
Fun fact about shingeki no kyojin ending and story

 First, I’ve made two post about this great manga in 2019, which I guessed right. About how Eren didn’t betray armin and mikasa, scam his brother Zeke and tried to ruin the world. (Read it here! It will give good insight of how the story will end)

Second, when I said Eren is the one who advise Historia to get pregnant, and probably it’s his child, Read it here, this show several highlights  that is happening right now

Great, after read all that, not it’s the time to know several fun fact about shingeki no kyojin:

1. Eren is always suicidal blockhead just like what Jean said. Not only that, He always playing hero like Rainer too. No wonder he choose to burden all the sins alone, become a devil himself so his friends could be save. (Ironically, the one who he wanted to be save is killed in the progress)

2. The world is cruel and which side isn’t in the wrong/evil, they just got different goal. Both eldians and marley are just trying to live their life. Whatever the outcome will it be, it will be acceptable. If they didn’t decide it now, they will lose everything.

3. Historia hold more role than you probably think. I mean, she is the one who save Eren the devil who will eradicate the world. And surprisingly have similar opinion about becoming the devil/villain. Her child might be the key to save next Generation of human.

4. Mikasa, Armin, Hange, Levi and the gangs Have been in Eren’s role before. But not like this season, on that season we cheered for them because we thought that they’re the good guy. Yet, they have been fighting the norm and tried to make humanity inside the wall collapsed (Who tried to isolate themselves so marley and the rest of the world will be in peace), which seems at least now, is a better options for the world. Jean said to levi before, maybe the act of sin (killing people for greater good) is correct, they just think it’s wrong because they’re afraid to dirtying themselves. Which levi said, no one know which one is the right. Back then, they need to kill innocent people to save their comrades and fulfill their mission/goals.

5. Which ever option they choose, who really can define which one is the correct one? It’s easier to blame when people already know the result, but time is tickling and human can’t stop and didn’t make their choice. Perhaps zeke’s plan is better vision for some of you, but in other case, there is people who also think eren’s plan is the real solution, thus might not be wrong. After all, levi said before that HISTORY IS CREATED BY THE WINNER. So if eren win, he will become the good guy, but if he lose he will become the villain. Just like world war 2.

6. Someone who can make a change in this world is someone who can throw anything away for the sake of his goals. Could eren do that?

7. The mushroom head who is similar with Eren, at least that’s what Jean thinking, have the same opinion regarding Eren’s absurd decisions. Back then his action is something that we adore. Lol. In this essence, the survey crops team has been on Eren’s side in pass season, where they came out victorious and become the hero instead the villain. But if the author shown us in the beginning part, what happened to the winning parties, maybe in this later part, he will show us what will happen if they’re lose. (Eren is losing)

 I Hope not.

“I will do anything to right the wrong of this world”, well... so much like Eren, who tried to correct the unjustified position of eldian.
8. Armin is the “key”  and will save humanity. His role is important and what not, he might find how to end the war in more peaceful way. We will definitely have “talk no jutsu” because Eren really value Armin’s opinion. Eren might have his own plan, but he might believE/gamble in Armin’s promise if he means it. If the talks isn’t work out, Armin might act to stop Eren just like how he stopped conny. He already prepare explosion on the plane.

9. Eren might be dead in the end, that’s a lot of foreshadowing and the facts that he only have 4 years because of titan’s power. In this panel, why eren said mikasa suppose have short hair? ( which is her current hairstyle) and why mikasa told EreN, see you later? Just like Levi said it to HAnge when he died?

10. The author might spoil us the ending already and overshadowing from previous chapter. Do you realize that poeple are changing already? Both marley and eldian. They’re able to work together for external threat, gabi isn’t what she used to be and not hate eldians much again. After all this time, there is still a hope for better ending? I mean it’s like the marvel avenger issue, where people with superpowers make the other human with no power scared. But they can coexistence because it shows there is a good amount of people with super power among the bad guy who will fight their own race for the sake of humanity. What if, Eren will be the bad guy and Armin mikasa gang would be the hero? 

Just like my previous post, eren is like rainer, a great “actor”, acting like a hero alone by sacrificing himself, for greater good. Afterall eren always has that suicidal attitude. In short, Eren act as villain so Armin and the gang could be a hero. Thus will fool people that not all paradis /eldian people is villain or evil, make a room of people in the world to see eldians in different perspectives.

11. Keep in mind, eren used to surrender with his fate and choose to just die, but in the end he can’t because he is born to this world, and it’s already a great thing. It’s all happened because we’re already born into this world and there is no such existence is not accepted In this world, hopefully it’s the message that the author want to deliver.

12. The future lies to the children

Based from all the hints that is already given, I will take a summary prediction of what is going to happen and why it is happening:

1. Because of king fritz, eldian is 100 years behind rest of the world in term of technology advancement, they need at least 50 years to catch up. In short, eldian is in a danger for military attack from other nation. That’s why the earth shaking titan is necessary so other country won’t be dare to attack paradis island. At first, eren didn’t  agree to the plan, he refused to pay freedom with broken walls, flatten the world with titan, children breed and killed like livestock. (As historia should bear children to maintain the founding titan)

2. Commander Magath and lord Tybur think that the worlds need paradis to be the root of evil. That shared attitudes bringing them all together, protecting global stability. On ch 100, Lord Tybur and Magath plan the attack of Eldian empire, the descendant of the devils. Tybur set himself and  other eldians in the internment zone to become tragic victim of Titan’s power so the world would join force. This mean every nation would stop war with each other and switch their military invasion toward Paradis island. They (commander magath and lord tybur) said that both of them are devils for scheming this. In the end, all major nations came together to form a massive military alliance just like what willy tybur asked that day.

3. Because of above event, peaceful path is impossible to happen anymore. Eldian needs to fight or they are ruined. Eren needs to give Eldian more time to advance their military power so he needs to show the capability of “world shaking” or founder power, hoping it will scare them.  Plus, he also needs to destroy the enemy military while doing it, since it is a threat.

KEEP in mind that Eren as attack titan, somehow can know the future, or have memory of future. Maybe in the future, he has tried several options, but all goes to failure or disappointing end?  Eren has said on reiner that they’re similar, like to playing “hero”. So he plan it all alone, deceiving everyone, even someone close to him: misaka and armin. Afterall, he is the only one who can see the future.

Remember when he asked what is the last word from sasha before she died? It’s very out of character, that he is smiling/laughing, it even anger connie. Maybe, eren already know that sasha is going to die, but her death is important to achieve his goal? For eldian survival/freedom? So when it changes, he feels kinda happy as the future can be change. 

Eren has tried several time to change the future for a better ending, but can’t, maybe just like what he said, the key is on Armin, with his “talk no jutsu”, aka skill of negotiating. So he left it to Armin, but kinda guide him to achieve it, like giving enough reason to kill him/eren, etc. it’s like eternal loop of Eren tries to avoid the doom.

I mean Eren always said to Armin, “you need to kill me if you want to stop me” (read no8 and 10 above)

What if, Eren will be the bad guy and Armin mikasa gang would be the hero? Armin already said that people can easily manipulate it with a “great event” just like What happened in the great titan war. King fritz manipulate what is really happened.

What if Eren should lost so Armin and the gang could be a hero and redeem the sins? So the alliance would see eldian with new light, for awhile. So 2 possible results:

1. Eren real body might still on paradis island, or hidden somewhere with the skill of war hammer titan. Eren knows that Armin would be able to make zeke give up his life and stop the rumbling. He is acting defeated.

2. Eren sacrifice himself (killed by mikasa or armin probably lmao), he already know Armin would pursue zeke just like no1.

Either way, It will give paradis more time to catch up their technology with hisuru help, so in the future they can defense themselves, without using the power of titan again. The future of eldian depends on their next generation children to catch up  with the rest of the world. Eren should lose in both scenarios. The war would no end, after all violence isn’t something that can disappear from human (ch xxx, I forget). Yet, paradis or eldian at least won’t be annihilated, still have chance to survive in the future. And the truth is, Eren doesn’t have ball (confidence) to end humanity. So he stop in the middle, until his goal (for armin and mikasa survival) is achieved.

In short:
1. The future lies in the children(next generation of eldian).
2. The foreshadowing of eren’s dead since the beginning of manga.
3. The eternal loop Eren has tried to save eldian since he knows the future, guiding mikasa and armin to kill him. He has asked them to kill him several times.
4. The key on Armin to handle the outcome and leverage for eldian’s safety(future) with his negotiating /diplomacy skill, maybe in next chapter

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