

So eren, a boy who seek of freedom is chained with an awful fate that bestowed him to this path as a mass murderer for the sake of armin and mikasa’s life (and of course to wipe out the power of titant out of this world)? The time loop, paradox and all, it’s human for Eren to be trapped within and given up to seek another paths just like what armin suggest. In the end, the freedom for Eren is his death, the end of his role. It seems Eren’s goal of killing all the titan in the beginning of this manga is somewhat achieved lol. (Since there is no titan anymore). It’s a bittersweet ending with an open ending.

Eren didn’t want to wipe out humanity since beginning, he left the future to human, it’s the freedom of us whether we will crushed each other again or be in peace. But he needs to wipe out 80% of humanity, so it will give time eldian to catch up with technology, because the survivor wouldn’t have power to get revenge to eldian yet. Eren knows the future but not everything, so he didn’t know who will survive or dead.

KEEP in mind that Eren as attack titan, somehow can know the future, or have memory of future. Maybe in the future, he has tried several options, but all goes to failure or disappointing end?  Eren has said on reiner that they’re similar, like to playing “hero”. So he plan it all alone, deceiving everyone, even someone close to him: misaka and armin. Afterall, he is the only one who can see the future.

I will answer some most common question for this story:
1. Who is the father of Historia’s child? Why is it crucial for Historia to have a child?
Well, according to ch 107-108: the corps want to feed Zeke to her. Historia will become a titan and eat Zeke, then the corps will have the power of founding titan (eren) and royal blood to control it (HIstoria who can tansform to titan) in their hands. So Eren told HIstoria to be pregnant, because pregnant woman can’t transform into titan. As we know that Eren is actually love mikasa back, so it’s not likely that Eren would be the father. As survey crops think, Historia choose a farmer boy who close with her (and possibly in love with her) as the father. Isayama even going as far as drawing the baby to have a blonde hair and not a single characteristic from Eren, to crossed out every possibility that the father is Eren. It might disappoint you, but ERen isn’t the father.

2. Why eren do the rumbling but not finnish it?
Eren knows the future but he doesn’t know everything.

Because of king fritz, eldian is 100 years behind rest of the world in term of technology advancement, they need at least 50 years to catch up. In short, eldian is in a danger for military attack from other nation. That’s why the earth shaking titan is necessary so other country won’t be dare to attack paradis island. At first, eren didn’t agree to the plan, he refused to pay freedom with broken walls, flatten the world with titan, children breed and killed like livestock. (As historia should bear children to maintain the founding titan). Even until the end, Eren can’t choose. Although Eren might not love Historia, but she is an important person to him also beside Mikasa ad Armin. He get this “similar situation attachment” , because both of them shared an awful fate. So what he choose to do will guarantee the survival of this three.

Meanwhile, Commander Magath and lord Tybur think that the worlds need paradis to be the root of evil. That shared attitudes bringing them all together, protecting global stability. On ch 100, Lord Tybur and Magath plan the attack of Eldian empire, the descendant of the devils. Tybur set himself and other eldians in the internment zone to become tragic victim of Titan’s power so the world would join force. This mean every nation would stop war with each other and switch their military invasion toward Paradis island. They (commander magath and lord tybur) said that both of them are devils for scheming this. In the end, all major nations came together to form a massive military alliance just like what willy tybur asked that day.

Because of above event, peaceful path is impossible to happen anymore. Eldian needs to fight or they are ruined. Eren needs to give Eldian more time to advance their military power so he needs to show the capability of “world shaking” or founder power. He also needs to destroy the enemy military while doing it, since it is a threat. It’s a time loop paradox, so maybe 80% of humanity is that much amount for peace to be granted. (A grant event like world war II and nuclear bomb, a sacrifice for human to choose peace). Since eren’s goal is never about to wipe out humanity, but more for Eldian’s future without the power of titan, he didn’t need to kill all humanity. He set everything up so Armin and mikasa could be the hero, and he is a villain/devil. His mind is actually in a mess with that time loop, since future and the pass exist together. In short he can’t think straight, he gave up for another path and choose this path. At least his goal is achieved: to kill all titans (no titan left in this world) and see his loved one living for a long years.

3. What is Historia’s role and the baby?

Well, historia needs to get pregnant so she can’t turn into titan. There is no other meaning than that. As she is the queen, her role is needed for the peace treaty between eldian and outside world (humanity) could be achieved. Ch 139, connie said that Historia is the one who kept his mother and Jean’s family safety. She is also the one who make sure Armin and the gangs’s safety. She possessed this important role as the queen of eldian empire, even though as a “ a weak puppet” of military crops.   She is also the one who saves Eren, who will eradicate the world. And surprisingly have similar opinion with Eren. Anyway she is also one of the reason that Eren choose this path, because he doesn’t want to sacrifice Historia.

4. How many alternate paths are there?

As far as the story progress:

- the official ending ch 139, where everyone alive (both marley and eldian) and eren died. Armin and the gangs in the journey to sign peace treaty between humanity and eldian.

- the ending where mikasa and eren decide to ditch everything and live together (ch138), yet living in guilty feeling and agony of being selfish. Marley will win the war. After that, there were only 2 fates for Eldian, either being use as weapon or eradicate from the world. Eren will eventually dead within 4 years and living mikasa in a more miserable life. Being guilty alone.

- the ending if Zeke’s plan succeed, For zeke, it’s better if eldian is never been born in the world, they’re the one who actually destroys the balance of universe, the “unnecessary” being. Zeke thinks dead is the only answer to end all the misery in real world and the birth of an Eldian is a SIN. The euthanasia plan is the only way to FREE eldian. Marley won’t dare to touch Paradis island, because Zeke has that rumbling power, but eldian will eventually extinct.

- if Eren played along with the military corps plan, then Eldian will try to rule the world once again by using the power of founding titan. (World shaking) Which Eren strongly oppose because he can’t sacrifice Historia (he said it several times). The “2000 years old curse” wouldn’t be broken too.

NOTE: there is no ending of humanity wipe out as Eren’s goal is never about that. Although he can win, he choose to lose and give the freedom to humanity to decide their own future. But beside first and last path, all the other path will lead to eldian extinction that Eren disapprove.

5. Why Eren hurt mikasa and act like he doesn’t like her? Does eren like mikasa?

Who knows? Ask Eren himself, lol. Probably, he is not manly enough to show affection to Mikasa in the beginning. He is just a normal boy who won’t admit his feelings toward a girl he actually likes. As the story progress, he then receives the power to know the future and founding titan. This messed up his mind. He might think it is useless to reveal his love as he is only have 4 years left or he will eventually died in the future. There is no future where him and mikasa could be happy together wihout feeling guilty. So he decide that it’s better for mikasa to completely forget about him. So he made mikasa hate him by being harsh toward her, pushed her away. But he finally admits his real feeling in front of his best friend, Armin, in his last breath. Yes, Eren love Mikasa back. They love each other.

6. What shown at the end?

The fact that Jean still loves mikasa and trying to impress her with his appearance. Even pieck tease him. It’s a open ending for the shipper. Mikasa and Historia are in paradis island, while Armin and the gang are in outside world. They are going to meet again, to sign a peace treaty between eldian and the world. Open ending.

The key points:
1. The future lies in the children(next generation of eldian).
2. The foreshadowing of eren’s dead since the beginning of manga.
3. The eternal loop Eren has tried to save eldian since he knows the future, guiding mikasa and armin to kill him. He has asked them to kill him several times.
4. The key on Armin to handle the outcome and leverage for eldian’s safety(future) with his negotiating /diplomacy skill for peace. 


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