

Well, for people who didn't know that Bol4 is no longer a duo, you might want to read this article first: bol4-will-no-longer-be-duo-as-jiyoon

Ok, let's now talk about their separation with each other. Jiyoon and Jiyoung has known each other for years, as they have similar passion in music, probably more than 10 years. So telling that all their relationship is fake, kinda wrong. But there sure a "Beef" or "Bad blood" in their relationship this days. I mean, friends can fight with each other and be separated, it's a part of life, and idols friendship isn't an exception. But I don't said that is what happened between this duo.

Interesting things, we could kinda investigate of what really happened by following back the history, as it happens quiet a lot of times where a seemingly "GREAT FRIENDSHIP" in front of camera, is actually an enemy behind the closed door. (The time when a group member actually hates each other) I can name a few, M2M or you might want to read this one. There is also a Korean example, which I will create a separated article about it later.

Actually, BOL4 consisted of 3 members, Kwon Jiwon (The other member) left the group for studying, and currently attending same university as Jiyoung. Later Jiyoon and Jiyoung debut commercially as duo.

Korean netizen discuss a reason why Jiyoon suddenly left the group (which I doubt it comes out suddenly, if you realize that her participation has been decreased little by little to make a transition for Bol4 fans, and she hints it on weekly idols before.)

Photos of Woo Ji Yoon getting mistreated by both fans and the staff have surfaced. In one of the photos, the staff is holding an umbrella over Ahn Ji Young while Woo Ji Yoon follows behind. On that festival, the weather is raining so badly. She ultimately uses her own jacket to cover herself. Is this true?

The revelation: This is a FAKE. A gasoline to burn the rumor more and power to hate on ahn Jiyoung. Soon after, another fans give clarification about what really happened. On that day, just like usual, Bol4 performed at local music festival. It's already raining during the performances, as vocalist,  Jiyoung who stood more front than Jiyoon (thankfully she sit beside a stage tent) has become wet.
Jiyoung and Jiyoon has their own personal manager. The umbrella situation is an misunderstanding. Their another manager had to grab Jiyoon guitar on stage so he was slightly late. Yes, there is probably a mistreatment from the agency (which might be a reason why Jiyoon choose to re-debut as artist in different agency), but at least the rumor about this umbrella thingy is a fake.


Official statement isn't always the truth. There is a work of Public relation behind, to maintain the stability of company or brand. A safety pin for its image.

BOL4 Announces Woo Ji Yoon’s Departure From Duo and this is the official statement:

Hello, this is Shofar Music.

First, we thank the fans who support and love BOL4. We would like to make an official statement regarding a member change in our agency’s duo BOL4.

Member Woo Ji Yoon has expressed her desire to wrap up promoting as part of BOL4 due to personal concerns about her future career, and we have had several meetings to think about the matter carefully with the members. After speaking with each other for a long time, the members came to understand each other’s thoughts, and Shofar Music also respects Woo Ji Yoon’s decision, so we have come to the following conclusion.

BOL4 will now be a one-member artist with Ahn Ji Young and no additional members. After contemplation, Woo Ji Yoon has decided to wrap up promoting as BOL4.

We, Shofar Music, are also sad that BOL4 will not be able to continue on together, but we have made this decision to respect and support [Woo Ji Yoon’s] thoughts more than anything else. Moreover, although Ahn Ji Young and Woo Ji Yoon will wrap up promoting together as part of a duo, they will continue to be colleagues and friends who support the paths they each take.

Shofar Music will continue to support the two artists’ shining future.

Thank you.

From, Shofar Music

and this one from Jiyoon's

While treasuring in my heart the memories I spent with you as BOL4’s Woo Ji Yoon, I am embarking on a new start.

I wanted my fans, who cheered for me and loved me, to be the first ones to know. Thank you for sparing a part of your hearts for me. It wasn’t an easy decision because we had such special experiences and shared so many emotions together.

Many days, I would keep asking my self the same question. “Am I doing what’s right? What is it that I really want to do?” It was a process of contemplating seriously about my future career, and it occurred to me that now is an important time for me to take on a new challenge before it’s too late.

So yeah this one is TRUE, Jiyoon clearly has her own concern as musician, as we know, that we barely see her singing in Bol4. Shofar also didn't give Jiyoon much opportunity to showcase her song creation, as many of Bol4 title songs are made by Jiyoung's. There might be some debate or fight between the two as we rarely seen Jiyoon and Jiyoung with each other again in their personal insta, but at least the reason behind Jiyoon's departure is quiet clear. It isn't solemnly because Jiyoon hates Jiyoung, but she hates her lack of support in her career by shofar music, who only focus to Jiyoung. Their might be a jealousy, which make their relationship becomes awkward, but no one knows for sure. (Although it might be the case IMO)


Jiyoon left Bol4 in April, and 2 months later, exactly on June 15, the former BOL4 member took to her Instagram to preview the upcoming release of “O:circle” with the following caption: “Currently on my way to the summer that I love.”
There has been much speculation about the split between herself and remaining member Ahn Ji Young, which increased when Woo Ji Yoon shared solo music that many people thought hinted at discord between them. Netizen thinks DoDo is a dis song for Jiyoung from Jiyoon. Although Jiyoon said that it isn't that case afterward.

On July 3, Ahn Ji Young posted on her Instagram stories to explain why she’d recently unfollowed Woo Ji Yoon on Instagram and addressed speculation about their relationship. Ahn Ji Young also said, “I don’t know what the intention was, but I went through a hard time for a while because it seemed obvious the lyrics were about me.”

Jiyoung said:

I was hurt that I first heard about her wanting to quit BOL4 from the label rather than directly from her.

It’s true that we planned to continue promoting as BOL4 until our concert even after she decided she was going to leave. However, since the conclusion had already been decided, I felt that we would not be able to promote our album together because I didn’t want to make our final album as BOL4 without sincere feelings. During discussions about her departure, I said that it would be better if she ended her promotions, and she agreed with me. She also said that she would give due respect to my opinions.

That’s why I said on TV that I think I did the best I could for both of us.

I do not want the public to misunderstand our situation. After this period, I do not want to talk about our situation any longer.

I thought this was a problem we could resolve between the two of us, and I’m very upset that it has gone this far. If you have something left to say to me, then don’t ignore me and contact me.

Insert opinion:  Last statement shows that their relationship might change now, and this issues might hurt their friendship.

Before that friend’s departure was made public, she told me that she wanted to rest. In talks with our label, she said that she hoped to leave in order to find her own path. As you know, it was the same in her handwritten statement. When the news was made public, I heard from other artists and staff members in our label and our acquaintances that she had said that we had parted on good terms. During the time we promoted together, we never once received unfair treatment from the label, so I don’t understand how one could say that we parted on bad terms.

Insert opinion: as the one who receive the privilege, she might not realize about it. My favorite members in Bol4 is Jiyoung, but I know that sometimes she could be very egocentric, and I think it's the case now.

I’ve looked at the lyrics for “Dodo” on the album “Odd Child” again and again. The same goes for the song “Island.” I don’t know what the intention was, but I went through a hard time for a while because it seemed obvious the lyrics were about me. In a 36-second timespan, lyrics like, “You pushed me aside,” “gaslighting,” “self-justification,” and “it’s a relief that I’m leaving.” The realtime searches were full of it and I dealt with criticism, malicious comments, and speculative articles all day.

I go to therapy every week and suffer from depression. Every night, she comes to torment me in my dreams, so I struggle with insomnia. I couldn’t deal with it any longer and it was too hard for me to see her, so I unfollowed her.

Are you happy now that I’ve explained why I unfollowed her?

I’m human and I have feelings too. And it’s my personal social media account, so whether I follow or unfollow, what concern is it of yours? I don’t want this to become an issue anymore.

I will support that friend as she takes on new challenges and changes. However, don’t compare us both or question who was good or who was bad, because that is being careless with the precious memories of the fans and listeners who related to and received comfort from BOL4’s music.

Insert opinion: this statements of her is so truthful and honest, which I like, I think by now she has realize that their relationship isn't the same anymore. On another variety show before, her own nightmare after Jiyoon's departure is her fell of from grace. (I mean that Bol4 will sunk, just like any group who disbanded of left by its member)

Now let's see about Jiyoon's perspective:

Early on July 4, Woo Ji Yoon shared the following message on her Instagram stories:

The reason that I haven’t said anything was that I didn’t want to hurt the people who love me if my words caused another issue about me, who isn’t able to say enough.

However, after considering carefully about it, I thought of how I’ve always felt regret over the losses I’ve experienced because I didn’t say anything. So after giving it a lot of thought, I’ve decided to try to write a few words.

Insert opinion: Jiyoon realize/self aware there is some bad rumor going on because of her departure from Bol4.

First, as many people know, the biggest reason that I left the group BOL4 was that I had a lot of concerns about my own path. However, rather than suddenly leaving, I wanted to end things properly so I was thinking of ending the group after a concert. But regardless of my own intentions, she showed that she intended to part with me more quickly, so I ended up leaving the team sooner than I’d thought. Also, even though I saw her talking about our relationship on television afterwards in a way that contrasted with my own thoughts, I didn’t want people talking about myself and her because of a scandal, so I didn’t say anything.

Insert opinion: hooo, the beef becomes more juicy. As we can search back that what Jiyoung has said on variety show (Honestly, I have already doubt it was true back then lol). But in other hands, we can see that THEY USED TO BE BEST FRIEND, which is why Jiyoon held back her emotion.

And second, in regard to my song that many people are talking about and saying I took a shot at her with, as I said in my Instagram story before, that song was one that I’d already written a few years ago and I don’t have anything more to say about that. It’s hurt me as well to see that after I released my first song, so many people are calling it “taking a shot” rather than being interested in my music.

There’s still so much more that I haven’t said. However, I don’t want to add the things I haven’t said and then regret it.
I’m just writing this for my acquaintances and fans who love me.


By a lot of updates for each sides, I think it's safe to say that Jiyoon's departure is because of the unfair opportunity that Shofar gave to the duo. It's childish to blame it all to Jiyoung, and I bet Jiyoon thinks the same, but it still ct their relationship (dynamic) with each other. As we can see there is limited interaction off the official schedule between the duo since 1 year ago, shown on their personal Instagram. (Yeri and Kim saeron, remember?) and this probably the real reason why Jiyoung unfollowed Jiyoon, because of the misunderstanding that she thinks Jiyoon attacks her with the song.

Honestly speaking, by listening to Jiyoon's solo song, her song sounds exactly different with BOL4 image or concept. So no wonder Shofar rejects almost all Jiyoon's song. It doesn't mean it is bad, it just means it doesn't have "BOL4 color/sound".

so Who is the bad guy here? The agency. Lol. They gave unfair treatment that make one person feels jealous to another person. While the other one who have privilege doesn't realize it. I just hope Jiyoung could be more compassionate toward Jiyoon, although Jiyoug is my bias, but it's so transparent it hurts ( I bet she is someone who thinks that world resolve around her).

In the end, It's just a life, bad things happen. They used to be a friend, but no longer anymore.


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