
Let's talk about AOA Bullying scandal that make the members left the group.

In the midst of the alleged bullying case she did against Kwon Mina, a former AOA member, Shin Jimin said that she will leave the group that had made her career. FNC as an AOA agency issued the same statement on July 4, 2020.

But how did this happen? This seemingly perfect friendship among members of AOA is actually a fake cascade. It all starts when Kwon Mina, a former member of AOA, uploaded her confession of experiencing bullying while being active in the group. She left the group in 2019.

A short recap of Mina's career: She was also part of band unit AOA Black, established in 2013. Due to her father's death on November 29, 2014, Mina took some time off from career activities and did not participate in some promotions for "Like a Cat". On May 13, 2019, Mina left AOA after deciding not to renew her contract with FNC Entertainment.

Since July 3, 2020, Kwon Mina has uploaded a series of posts containing details of her experiences as an AOA member. Initially he distributed screenshots of the conversation containing messages of cursing and telling him to disappear from the world.

"I also want to just disappear, but I have to take care of my mother," opened the former AOA member.

Next, Mina shared how she was often insulted to have no brain. When her father was dying of pancreatic cancer, Mina was scolded by one of the older members for putting everyone's mood down.  Mina cited her disappointment at not being able to accompany her father in his final days. Even though he was grieving, he was reprimanded and ordered not to cry. Apart from that there were still many other incidents that she remembered back then

Do you remember a blind items where a comedian or MC called out bullying between members group?  That he warn them not to be that asshole if they didn't want their names called out by the MC?And another blind item about supposedly bullying between girl group members. It all is reall. Their beloved bonds are fake cascade to some of Kpop group, it's a fuel to be sold to the fans, but sometimes it wasn't real.

Back to the case, Mina shared:
"To be honest, I really don't want to leave AOA. However, because there is one person who hates me, I was bullied for 10 years. And in the end I was very angry and wanted to scold him just once. Finally I let go of AOA," wrote Mina.

Although he did not mention names, Mina wrote about the fact that the member's father who hated him recently died. Automatically fans and netizens connect that figure with Jimin AOA, whose father recently passed away. 

After that, Jimin as the culprit respond by uploaded an Instagram Story with the words "Fiction" before deleting it. 

Because of this violence she experienced, Kwon Mina had to undergo treatment and take special drugs. He admitted that he remembered each member's bad treatment and had expressed his feelings before officially leaving AOA. However, the person concerned never felt he had done it. Mina also said that he had hurt himself so many times that he had to undergo treatment for his wounds. His mother was the one who made him survive and wanted to rise from adversity.

"Because of you, I have to take various kinds of drugs," wrote Mina.

Shortly after uploading these two statements, Shin Jimin was caught by netizens making an Instagram Story containing the words "fiction". Shortly thereafter the Instagram Story was deleted, but netizens speculated that Jimin accused Mina of lying, aka writing fiction.

Even though it has been deleted, Jimin's Instagram Story has been widely circulated. 

And what is Mina's response?

Well, Kwon Mina returned to writing a new statement in response. "Dare to call it fiction, you will be punished by heaven. Don't be like that. There are witnesses and evidence," wrote the former AOA member.

Mina said that there were so many incidents that had happened that it was difficult to write down one by one. He also said that this bully figure had never even felt that he had committed a crime even though there were many witnesses.

"Wow, it must be nice to be able to erase memories like that. They say, people who say hurtful words usually won't remember them. Please erase my memories too. Please."

Kwon Mina again explained the problems between herself and Jimin while still with AOA. He uploaded four Instagram posts containing details of the psychological violence the rapper jiMIN had committed against him. According to him, FNC Entertainment also knew about this incident but did not want to listen to it.

After Mina's statement, both FNC and Jimin chose to remain silent, on April 4 the AOA leader wrote an apology statement on his Instagram.

"I have shortcomings as a leader and what I have done is wrong," said Jimin. He admitted that he was sorry and realized that he did not understand Mina better.

"Yesterday I cried, apologized and cried again. However, I realized that the emotions towards me that had accumulated in Mina could not be resolved easily," she wrote again.

According to Jimin, what she has done in his youth and not really showing the best side of her and the team to the staff and the world. However, she admitted that what she had done did not show a human side. Jimin apologized for causing controversy and asked forgiveness from Mina and the other members.

But it seems the case of bullying doesn't stop there. Kwon Mina again wrote her response on social media. In the now-deleted upload. In that post, Mina once again expressed her frustration.

"Yesterday you said you acted mean to me so that I become in the right path. Hearing this from people who bring men to the dormitory to make love, you should be directed to the right path first," explained Mina.

After deleting it, Kwon Mina finally wrote down the final statement on this matter. He mentioned that AOA members and their managers came to her house to talk. At first Jimin came in angry and the two of them had arguments.

Jimin still doesn't remember bullying Mina and thinks their meeting at his father's funeral some time ago has resolved the problem between the two. After discussing finally Jimin apologized and left Mina's residence with all the members. Mina also accepted the apology even though she doubted its sincerity. Then this made FNS make measurement to kick Jimin out of the group AOA.

On July 4, the agency released the following statement:

This is FNC Entertainment.

First, we would like to apologize for causing concern to many people through the events related to Jimin that have been unfolding recently.

From this moment forth, Jimin has decided to leave AOA and halt all of her activities in the entertainment industry.

Additionally, our agency accepts responsibility for this entire situation, and we will put our full focus on managing our artists [in the future]. Once again, we apologize for causing concern through these unfortunate matters.

That all the chronology of Jimin and Mina departure of the group. 

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