On the islands named as Inazuma, consist of Narukami Island, Kannazuka, Yashiori Island, Seirai Island, and Tsurumi Island, there was once a war between tanuki who are native and kitsune as invader from outside. After 1600 years of fighting, finally it ends in a peace treaty between two sides where the war won by Kitsune, the Hakushin Clan. (Yae & Saiguu are from this bloodline)This clan will later maintain the Sacred Sakura in Mt. Yougou and protect it from dark force along the years. Human life in Inazuma was not completely safe because of the existence of evil creatures (yokai) that reside in inazuma and bring havoc. Yokai are a class of supernatural creatures in Inazuma, akin to the illuminated beasts in Liyue. Later, Raiden Makoto along with Ei rule over inazuma and slain almost all Yokai in narukami. (The lore about land above sea will not be explained further, this article will focus more to Enkanomiya, there is already articles about Narukami's history.)
There are stories that have never been told, legends that have already been long forgotten by people. Before the ancient immortals established the universe, there were gods that wandering across the lands. It was at this time that many of the adepti/godlike being came into being. But what about before then? Only broken memories and fragments of the past were turned into stories, and stories turned into legends, passed down among the people.
Enkanomiya/Byakuyakoku Lore about World's creation:
The universe has no beginning and no end, and so it was with the land that once was. But this matters not to us, for the land that bears us no longer has anything to do with that eternity without start or ceasing. The true lord, the Primordial One, came forth and did battle against the seven terrifying sovereigns, dragon-lords of the old world. It had wings and a crown, and was birthed from an egg, androgynous in nature. (*cough, Paimon) But for the world to be created, the egg's shell had to be broken. However, Phanes, the Primordial One, used the eggshell to separate the "universe" and the "microcosm of the world. The mountains and rivers (Teyvat) were made, and the seas and oceans (Abyss) accepted those who rebelled and those who would not kneel. (Probably dragon lord who live before the arrival of the Primordial One, anyone who refuse to obey Celestia and escape to abbys after losing the battle). Finally Heaven creating humans — our ancestors. From that time, the ancestors made a covenant with the Primordial One, and so entered into a new age. (Input from aberaku word: "The origin of heaven and earth is like the chicken and egg, and are not dragons and snakes kin?“ is it a sarcasm?)
Teyvat ver: In ancient times when Axis Mundi was unobstructed, there were three realms, each a world of its own. The realm of humans was known as Moonlight Forest (Teyvat) and under it was shadow called Land of Night (Abyss), while the "gods" reside in Kingdom of light (Celestia). By the time human civilization begins to emerge, the earth was covered by raw elements — unending ice, flames, and the like. Envoys of the gods made the earth more hospitable for humanity and dwelled among them, while humans could communicate with Celestia directly. The white Irminsul trees, connected to the ley lines in the earth, held great importance in the religious rituals of these ancient civilizations.
If there was hunger, the heavens would bring down food and rain. If there was poverty, the earth would bring forth its riches. If melancholy were to spread, the heavens would reply with their voices. The Primordial One had a sacred plan for humans.
Tevyat ver: The nature of the world Celestia created was cyclical; humanity would thrive and prosper under Celestia's blessings before being coming to an end, and then the earth would be renewed and the cycle begins once again. However, humanity was not meant to know this, so when people questioned how long their prosperity would last, the heavenly envoys remained silent.
The one taboo was to succumb to temptation. But the path to temptation had already been sealed. (Tevyat ver: The passageway between the three realms by Axis Mundi has been sealed off. )
The second throne of heavens came, and a great war was rekindled, as it was in the world's creation. That day, the heavens collapsed and the earth was ripped asunder. Sangonomiya clan and their ancestral land fell into the dark sea during that conflict. This land was then plunged into the dark ocean depth. Before it fell into the dark sea, the whole world had a single unified culture. The era of darkness had begun. The prayers of our ancestor turned into lamentations, but the Primordial One and its three other shining shades did not hear. Tevyat ver: Three bright moons once hung high in the night sky, who were sisters named Aria, Sonnet, and Canon. The moons were daughters of prose and song, sovereign over the night sky. They navigated the heavens above in their silver carriage, alternating with one another thrice a month. If the reign was not promptly passed from one sister to the next, a terrible disaster would occur that very day. At the end of the last calamity, a war between the gods broke out. Most defeated gods fled Teyvat and took refuge in the Dark Sea - lands outside of Teyvat where The heaven have no dominion, later became known as "evil gods."
The people of the Seven Sovereigns had found refuge in the oceans, and the Dragonheirs of the Depths ruled this particular place, which led to war between them and our ancestors. There are 3 phase of era of darkness: first, when the ancestor worship a fire, Second when a ship captain searching for the way back to the surface discovered a tribe of people who ate Lethied lotuses (Dragonbane lotus/orb) Third is when ancestor worship "The ruler of time", Kairos, or "the ruler of the unchanging world." or "ISTAROTH"
Later, Aberaku no Mikoto, also known as Abrax, creates Dainichi Mikoshi (Helios), the artificial sun that saved the nation from the threat of the Bathysmal Vishaps (Dragonheir of the depth). Legend has it that Aberaku was opened up to wisdom by Tokoyo Ookami (one and only primordial, the "mother" of fourteen billion years) and was thus able to bring light to Enkanomiya,
Sangonomiya ancestor began to build the Helios, with him as their leader. The Whitenight came, and Evernight (Dragonheir) was banished. The years of the Sun and Moon had begun.
Tevyat ver: Far in the west direction from narukami island, there was a place called Enkanomiya, a nation built underwater in the Dark Sea. A group of people, Sangonomiya clan, were somehow stranded in it, where they were terrorized by the Dragonheir of the Depths. Unable to return to the surface due to the threat of the Dragonheir of the Depths, they are barely able to survive through the meager light of the Oohirume no Omikoshi. Omikoshi somehow can create a light in the deep of darkness.
Peace was established in Enkanomiya, but a cabal of powerful people would manipulate the people of Byakuyakoku (Enkanomiya) into worshipping the Dainichi Mikoshi as a god, and chose a child to be the Sunchild and rule over the land.
They claim to have received some divine decree and fly the flag of the gods, but they only seek to satiate their base desires. Ostensibly, they guard the Sunchild. But in truth, they are the real rulers of the nation — parasitic worms who suck the flesh and blood of the enkanomiya people.
The Sunchildren were manipulated to commit heinous deeds as the powerful people who controlled them profited from their rule. In short, sunchild is a puppet ruler. Because of this, the Sunchildren would become hated by the people of Enkanomiya, who scapegoated them and blamed them for willful ignorance even though they were aware that the Sunchildren were being manipulated. The people who controlled the Sunchildren knew that as the Sunchildren grew into adults, they would eventually realize they were being manipulated (adult is harder to control) . To prevent this, they established a ceremony called the Rite of Solar Return where, when a Sunchild reached a certain age, they would be taken to the inner sanctum of the Dainichi Mikoshi, which would result in them being incinerated by the artificial sun's high temperatures. During the time of the first Sunchild, Aberaku opposed the Sunchild and the people who controlled them. As a result, he was accused of high treason, and the first Sunchild had him imprisoned in the Dainichi Mikoshi for life. These children of the sun never considered that had Aberaku not created that underground star, they never would have existed in the first place.
Tevyat ver: The divine being who always keep Sangonomiya clan safe from Dragonheir of the Depths somehow disappeared and her fate is currently unknown. Sangonomiya clan was abandoned.
Unnumbered years would pass before a young child of Enkanomiya would make a wager with his peers. Alone, he would dive beyond the three corners, evading the trail of the Dragonheirs, in search of a Dragonbone Flower. But what he found instead within a great cavern was a mighty serpent, one he had never seen before. Somehow, as he gazed upon the serpent's titanic form, the child felt no fear, but instead a kind of kinship. The child would ask the serpent (Orobashi) to become their god, and he agreed, overthrowing the Sunchild's rule and becoming Enkanomiya's ruler. The ancestors sought the returning way, believing that the war of god on the surface (teyvat) had ended by then. But the Primordial One, the first throne, had laid down a ban, preventing Sangonomiya ancestors from finding the path home. In that case, the Primordial One must have defeated the Second Who Came. (Probably The twin, traveler)
Tevyat ver: Fleeing into the Dark Sea, the evil god who is actually an ancient dragon-like serpent creature that had lost everything from archon war, met the abandoned people who had nothing within the ocean depths. Taking pity on them, the giant serpent took them in as its own and defeated the Dragonheir of the Depths, suppressing it under the sea with its jade corals. It is said that when the giant serpent decided to bring the people of the depths out of the waters, he did this at the instruction of the heavens themselves (Celestia). Then, the great serpent once broke off all the coral branches on its body to give light to the children who were curled up in the darkness. They also say that it used these coral branches to create a huge ladder to create Watatsumi Island so its people could live above the surface again. Watatsumi Island is the furthest from Narukami Island in the Inazuman island chain, and its name means "the god of the oceans", located just above the dark sea. Orobashi guided the residents of Watatsumi Island and taught them how to farm and smelt, for which they were deeply grateful and begin to worshiped the serpent as their god, named him Orobashi no mikoto, their "Watatsumi Omikami." This is the origin of why inazuma is divided into two beliefs.
At some point, a kingdom is established in the heavens with a king and two heirs. The first heir is tasked with finding the Genesis Pearl from the Kingdom of Darkness, but she is deceived and her memory is changed to make her believe she was the queen of the Kingdom of Darkness. The second heir is sent out for the same task, and it is unknown if he succeeded or not.
After the dead of aberaku, who get betrayed by his own people, a resistance arise against the sunchild government. Supada no hiko/spartacus/Tokoyo Ookami is the leader of resistance who oppose the ruling of sunchild. He then later captured, prisoned and tortured until he lost his sane mind and even forget his identity.
After the leader was captured, the backbone of the resistance collapsed utterly. The remaining one need funds to continue the resistance. The despicable rulers intentionally leaked a formula to create a dragonbane orb. To funding the resistance, someone advise them to sell dragonbane orb.
It is a rare fruit that Dragonbone Flowers will bear under special circumstances. Its fragrance can relax the mind and calm anxious thoughts, sweeping all of one's worries away. (Lmao it is drugs) As such, it can fetch a very high price on the market. After getting financially wealthy, some of the resistance suddenly began to avoid conflict and reject the idea of going into battle. The number of such people increased by the day, to the point where they requested to leave the resistance. In the end, the resistance fell.
Important foreshadowing fable:
The king's gardener and the tree spirit of the royal garden were in love. But the king wished to repair the beams of his pavilion, and so needed to cut down the tree with the most spiritual energy within it. The king was the incarnation of the Primordial One, and the gardener could not defy the sovereign of sovereigns, and so he could only bring his plea to the king's priest, who was the incarnation of Tokoyo Ookami. (It isn’t Supada no hiko, please read this riddle: There used to be a sequel to this riddle in ancient times. It roughly said that every granddaughter would give birth to twelve descendants, and each of them would then have sixty children. Every such child later would give birth to another sixty, who would go on to have children of their own. This would continue until at last, all the offspring would together give birth to the one and only primordial child — Tokoyo Ookami, the "mother" of fourteen billion years. Watatsumi Omikami forbade people from spreading this riddle.)
The priest had pity on the gardener and said to him: "Go, and cut the branches of the spirit-tree down." The gardener did so, and afterward did as the king ordered, cutting the spirit-tree itself down.
Then the priest said: "Plant the spirit-tree's branches in the ground." But the gardener said: "A spirit-tree (dragonbane flower?) shall take five hundred years to grow." The priest said: "Your one thought shall echo through eternity." And so the gardener planted the branches in his back yard. In an instant, the slim branches grow into a new tree, and the new tree spirit was a continuation of the past one. (Venti?)
For it is the God of Moments who is able to take "seeds" from this "moment" into the past and the future.
Tevyat ver: One civilization blessed with wisdom grew prideful and ambitious. They challenged the gods' authority and sought to enter the gardens of heavens. This angered the heavenly envoys, and the chief priest donned a crown of Irminsul branches and went to the depths of the world to try and appease them.
Watatsumi/Sangonomiya story after living in the surface (Teyvat):
For many years, Orobashi respected the boundary between Watatsumi Island and the Narukami. Orobashi knows that he is no match against the almighty raiden ei, thus making them as enemy is a big No. Raiden Makoto and Ei also acknowledge Orobashi existence, She respect and let the people of watatsumi island to worship another god beside the electro archon in inazuma. Both side lived in peace. A ritual involving the worship of both the Raiden Shogun and Orobashi is developed. This ritual must be performed before starting any other ritual.
The inhabitants of Watatsumi call themselves the people of the sea and worship the Great Serpent as the Orobashi no Mikoto. Just as the human heart runs deep and water flows downhill, the spirit of Watatsumi Island constantly feels the calls of Enkanomiya, down in the depths. The soil is slowly bleaching, becoming Holy Soil. People are worried that Watatsumi Island will one day become a desert as pale as the moonlight. In this world of fickle fortune, humans, puny as they are, often suffered on account of their bitter lives and were gloomy because of their pain and misfortune. The infertile land leads to years of famine and disease.
In Watatsumi Island, the shrine is the seat of government, and there are no commissioners appointed by the Shogunate. All business, great and small, is conducted by the shrine maidens. The head shrine maiden, or Divine Priestess, is the head of government and ceremonial affairs.
The Great Serpent Oroboshi never forgot his past as one of the defeated, or his oath to never again allow his people to be forsaken. So he asked the shrine maiden:
"Blessed daughter of mine, why do the people of the deep sea weep? Have I not defeated the Dragonheir of the Depths and given you the light of day?"
The wise shrine maiden replied:
The Great Serpent asked again:
"Indeed, it is my failing that has caused you to go hungry. What then, my people, is your request?"
The honest elders replied:
"You made a road for us, guiding us to create a nation amidst the blue seas with no need for robbery, oppression, or tyranny. For this, we are already more than grateful... Yet, to the east of our coral island, there are lands wider and more fertile still."
"Permit us, great lord, to set foot upon those islands and there carve out a dominion for ourselves, that our children after us shall have a glorious past, a future in fullness, and a present without darkness."
The Great Serpent was silent and made no reply. He knows that he won't win.
The bright sun, the clear skies, and seas, the clam palace that glittered with rainbow light, the teachings of the clergy... None of these could assuage the wounds of hunger and disease. In many years that followed, the hungry and diseased people of watatsumi island would ask time and again for their god to invade a land.
At last, moving by the request of his own people for hundreds of years, Orobashi reluctantly agrees to Watatsumi's plan to invade and conquer part of Yashiori Island. In past years, Orobashi has trained Watatsumi people to become mighty warriors who commandeered ships and sea monsters while mastering wave and cloud, leading them in an invasion of the Electro Archon's lands amidst the whistling of whalesongs. Yet even with all this preparation, Orobashi knew that he would not have any chance of survival this time. He had no hope of victory, and his purpose was not conquest, but sacrifice. The shrine maiden written a prophecy of the certain defeat and the future of humiliation that awaited this eastern expedition. Orobashi accepted the prophecy's result calmly. Even if Orobashi would pass away, its people would endlessly weave their memories of joy, prosperity, bitterness, and loss into a united faith. These memories, in turn, would flourish on account of the intense emotions of a vanquished people forced into shameful submission.
Teyvat ver: Perhaps it was upon heaven's order (Celestia) that Orobashi went to his death.
Watatsumi Omikami (Orobashi), due to ill fortune fell into the dark sea (enkanomiya), beyond the jurisdiction of the heavenly order (celestia). Unfortunately, by making contact with ancient civilization (Sangonomiya), Orobashi also grasped a truth that came before its own existence. Thus, he was forced by heaven to sacrifice himself. The truth behind the sacrifice had to remain unknown to all, Only thus the people of Byakuyakoku (Enkanomiya) be allowed to live under the rule of the heaven.
Orobashi accidentally read a chronicle of fables titled: "Before sun and moon", and is a restricted text, banned by the heaven. It reveals that Celestia might comes from another world. Back then, no gods walked the earth and whole land belong to a single civilization. People from Khaenri'ah stole the book from Enkanomiya library. Heavenly order seemed to not wish for those who remembered all this to remain on the earth (Teyvat / surface). So people who knows about this "truth" is still stranded in enkanomiya even after Orobashi created watatsumi island. (Proof from book in the light beneath of shadow: Since the arrival of Watatsumi Omikami, some of us have returned to the sea's surface to build a home and interact with the people there)
All files preceding the founding year of the Watatsumi calendar have been destroyed by orobashi’s order. Dossier serial numbers shall no longer use the categories Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, which used the ancient Watatsumi tongue. Instead, They use Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Ether, and Void going forward.
Teyvat ver: The inevitable civil war between Watatasumi vs Narukami occurred, many turn into victims. Akuou was one of the three generals of Watatsumi's invasion force during the Narukami-Watatsumi War over Yashiori Island, along with Orobashi, Akuou, Ayame, and Mouu. Akuou is an orphan of unknown origins and without a name, He was taken in by Orobashi and was apprenticed to the shrine maiden Mouun and her twin sister Ayame. He was particularly close with Mouun, and his biography indicates that the two were lovers. While they attacked narukami to gain access to Yashiori Island's abundant natural resources and make up for Watatsumi Island's natural deficiencies, Akuou also did so partially for his own ego.
The Watatsumi forces succeeded in conquering and annexing Yashiori Island. Akuou — who had distinguished himself in battle — became its vassal ruler, gaining the title of "Touzannou" (King of the Eastern Mountain) from Orobashi. When word reached Narukami Island, Makoto was preoccupied with domestic affairs, so Raiden Ei led a force to subjugate the invaders. Her tengu general, Sasayuri has gone first before her embark. Unfortunately, Sasayuri is slain during battle against Akuou, who had sought a "joyful" duel against him. Devastated by the news of Sasayuri's death, as one of Ei closest friend, Ei punished Akuou herself with Musou no Hitotachi (her divine judgement), alongside Orobashi. Her slash is so powerful and it is splitting Yashiori Island in half and creating Musoujin Gorge in the process. The remnant reverberations of lightning bolts continue to this day, as if the thunder elves are still chattering about the legendary scene that tore through the sky and the earth thousands of years ago. Mouun was slain by Sasayuri's subordinates and had her body taken away, while Ayame disappeared into the ocean and was never heard of again. Watatsumi Island was thus left in the hands of the Divine Priestess (Author Note: not Kokomi), who had not participated in battle and instead remained on the island. Ei lost one of 3 close friend (Remains: Saiguu and Chiyo) and Orobashi's dead prophecy is fulfilled.
Yuurakusai angered Lady Saiguu back in the day, but it is known that her deeds may have had some connection to the later incursion of the Abyss. It's probably related to the book that she has released. Ancient time ago, in enkanomiya there are experimental records about Bathysmal Vishap (The ancient god or Dragonheir) and it is not to be used for the writing of diaries, love letters, or fantasy novels. But Yae’s publishing house somehow have this book. (In the book it said: If not, we may yet be proven narrow-minded for having dismissed that last person who wrote a fantastical tale about vishap-people.)
In time, monsters from the Abyss invade the above ground world of Teyvat, causing widespread devastation. This disaster is known as dark disaster or Cataclysm. The Kingdom of Khaenri'ah is destroyed by the Heavenly Principles, causing the fall of the Eclipse Dynasty and the entire civilization. Khaenri'ah's destruction causes a devastating ripple effect. In Inazuma, dark forces from beneath the dark sea (dragonheir) emerge to the land and cause disaster through out inazuma. When the Abyss attacked, Makoto and her close allies, Ei, oni Chiyo, the Kitsune Saiguu, the Great Yougou Tengu, and Takamine the Mistsplitter fought back the otherworldly threat. All of them separated with their own battle to protect inazuma. There was no threat as big as this before to inazuma. There Ei lose all of her close friends and her sister, Makoto.
1. It's mix between the official lore and fan Theory regarding Tevyat, Celestia and Abbys.
2. Even in the game, The record might be misleading or bias, depends on the author. For eg the lore about Sangonomiya will be written with an evil nature if the author is from narukami's side. So it's the blog Author's privilege to decide which information is legit or misleading.
3. Sangonomiya is how inazuman called Byakuyakoku people. Enkanomiya and Khaen’riah are both advanced city, but try to trespassing Heavenly principle by manipulating genetics of the old god (dragonheir), thus the creation of bathysmal vishap lab hidden in enkanomiya. I believe in current year, Kokomi is one of the descendant. Prophecy holds that the Dragon Sovereign of Water will be born in a human form.
4. Due to the Bathysmal experiment, Dragonheirs of the Depths have evolved to wield the power of other elements and have hence lost their purity. As such, the Dragon of Water will no longer be born from among their ranks. So Kokomi is the highest rank of Dragonheir lol. Kokomi is inazuma albedo.
5. Day and night, or Whitenight and Evernight.
6. The Dragonheirs loved the dark and shunned the light, and thus could no longer act with impunity. The great imaginary serpent, Ouroboros, might be representing celestia? What does Ouroboros symbolize? Ouroboros is a gnostic and alchemical symbol that expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation.
7. The personification of the "undying wind" is known as "Tokoyo Ookami (There are 3 meanings for this word)," and is poetically rendered "the thousand winds" or "the thousand winds of time." "Water," on the other hand, is the might of the Vishap Realm, represented by the Bathysmal Vishaps.
8. During the era of Byakuyakoku, Towers of the Three Realms were built at three corners, used to harmonize the three realms. If these towers were to be imperiled, so would the entire nation. As such, they have been hidden using secret arts. Only the shrine maidens and the Vassals of Watatsumi can summon them forth.
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