



80% LORE + 20 Assumption

Time seems to pass exceedingly slowly in the silent, fluorescent ocean depths. Even the bright seashells might grow forgetful as the years lengthen. The people of Watatsumi once came forth from the darkness, and thus bade farewell to the long dreams of the deep. They escaped the prying gaze of the Dragonheir in the dark, walking the glimmering coral stair into the realm of daylight.  According to tradition, every several centuries, the shrine maidens of Sangonomiya Shrine must take advantage of the moment when the spirit veins flow smoothly in order to break the barrier between Enkanomiya and Sangonomiya, to retrieve a Jade Coral Branch, left behind by the Omikami (OROBASHI) to suppress the Dragonheir of the Depths, and perform the Watatsumi Mitama Omatsuri ritual in order for the sunken "spirit" to return, which will stop the erosion of the Holy Soil.


However, though there are many Jade Coral Branches, as this tradition continues, the Dragonheir of the Depths may one day break through its barrier and invade Watatsumi Island. And this was what happened on the cataclysm 500 years ago. Due to the shrine being abandoned after Orobashi's death, the ritual didn't happen, along with the sudden fell of ancient kingdom khaenri'ah. The realm beneath teyvat leak into the realm where human live under the protection of heavenly principal. To handle the calamity, the divine order the seven to push the dark force back into its territory. Soon, a disaster came from a distant sea where light doesn't penetrate, will wreak havoc to the soil of inazuma. Makoto and her close allies, Ei, oni Chiyo, the Kitsune Saiguu, the Great Yougou Tengu, and Takamine the Mistsplitter fought back the otherworldly threat.

"Let's make a wager this time, shall we? Hmm. Right, then. This bow shall be my wager. I bet on the mightiest bow in the world that I will return here alive. I'll leave it here with you for now. If I, Takamine, lose our bet, you can keep the bow." said Takamine.

"After all, you've inherited the essence of my archery techniques. You'll be able to make good use of it."

"But if I win..." Takamine’s keep his voice so low that even hibiki couldn’t hear it, it is like he try to say it for his ownself.

"What do you mean?" asked Hibiki without getting an answer. Deep down, both Takamine and Hibiki knew that this time was different than the usual embarkation. As for Saiguu, she also give her parting words toward her shogun as well as her close friend, Ei.

"Do not be blinded. Do not waver. Keep walking on the path you believe in." said Saiguu. She hopes that her  words will ward off at least some of the lies and evil Ei  will face in the future.

Thunder Sakura almost withered led to the monsters raged unchecked and the seas around Inazuma turned black. The Thunder Sakura tried their hardest to absorb the evil and the filth, and they almost died in the process. At that time, Chinju forest became unsafe where dark force taints the forest and many youkai (evil creature) became rampage. There was a Bake-danuki Ioroi, Protector of the Grove, who was living and protecting the forest from mischievous being. But Saiguu knew that Ioroi is no match for the dark force so to protect Ioroi from it, the Kitsune Saiguu tricked him from staying involved the war by playing a game of hide-and-seek with him. As Ioroi doesn't like to lose, he hide himself outside Chinju forest to a place that no one could ever found him. The untimely disaster swept across the archipelago of inazuma. 

In the west, Takamine act as Yorikia commanders during military campaigns, to fight dark army. If he hadn't left his beloved bow to Hibiki as part of their wager, maybe things would've been different.The foe flooded over like mist — and so Takamine would just keep slashing away with that secret blade that could disperse the brumous night.

As long as his strikes were swift enough, he would pierce the dark night, and day would come again—"Asase (Hibiki), our promise... No, say rather our great bet. I will not lose it, not for the world!"

"I shall return, and together with the bow that I'd wagered... I'll claim the future as my prize!"

Like a never-ending chain of lightning, he and Mistsplitter slew countless demons together.

Yet at the last, the sword was not as tenacious as the swordsman, and it gradually broke down. And he became submerged in that thick dark mist.Only a bit of his weapon fragment left from the battle. Takamine has disappeared.

In tenshukaku, Ei and Chiyo (saiguu praise of her beauty and sword play) lead the shogunate army to battle the dark force. During one particular battle she was once swallowed whole by a beast from beyond this world that had a tiger's body and a serpent's tail while holding back the forces of darkness. At last, she tore the creature's innards apart from within, breaking free. But within the belly of the beast, she was stained by a deep sin and saw her comrades ripped to shreds by those blood-red teeth. Steeped in darkness as far as the eye could see, she would eventually draw her sword upon the Almighty Narukami Ogosho (Ei). That night, the moonlight swept the imperial garden, through branch and petal, showering the courtyard with pearls from heaven. Obviously, Ei won the battle and Chiyo flee from the city into the forest like a wounded beast. There, they say that she was taken for some unknown monster and slain by the tengu, or perhaps by the Shiyuumatsu-Ban — or perhaps by a scion of the Iwakura Clan training deep in the mountains, for her features had been twisted by hatred and the agony of her wounds. Or perhaps she even met the oni-masked, sword-bearing doll near the corpse of the giant serpent, and there ended her life's journey. No one know for sure, but one thing is certain that Chiyo has fallen.

In Chinju forest, Saiguu along with the great Yougou tengu tried to hold the dark army for entering the hakushin land (narakumi shrine). Few among those who fought against the abyss in those days were spared pitch-dark dreams. Those who slew monsters and then became them were hardly the minority. The border between worlds grows fragile, and corruption of this kind is perhaps not merely mono directional. Unfortunately, even her too needs to become the victim of the dark. In her dying moments, Kitsune Saiguu asked the "dark will" that gnawed at her to spare her memories. As her body and mind were consumed, her memories were powerful enough that some of it remained unsullied as it settled into the earth as filth, thus creating Kazari. The Great Tengu, enraged by her inability to protect the Kitsune Saiguu, left on a self-imposed exile, leaving Teruyo behind. At some point, possibly sometime after the Kitsune Saiguu's death, the Sacred Sakura takes on the shape of a kitsune head. Kitsune Saiguu is consumed by the dark forces. The time Lady Saiguu left Yae a third time, she departed forever. This is also why Lady Yae would eventually come to the Grand Narukami Shrine herself after embarking on her own travels.

When the dark venom sank deep into the earth and peace returned, many of Ei close friend did not come back. The Shogun's bestowed bow was given to the shrine maiden (Hibiki) as her prize for winning their great wager. After dark force has been controlled within the inazuma archipelago, the heavenly principal order Makoto and Ei to bring an army to Khaenri'ah. Unfortunately,  Makoto was slain in the battle, dying within her sister's arms, Ei. These losses would cause Ei to become hardened and choose to maintain a "form" of eternity in which she would not have to experience such losses again. 

Things had not turned out as people would have wished. Five centuries may seem long to mortals, but the joys and sorrows left by the things that happened during that time, whether to fleeting existences or enduring ones, are not easy to erase.

After the long war, Mikoshi Doukei, Chiyo's biological son, goes into seclusion in the forests near Konda Village out of shame over his mother's actions (Chiyo) who dare to attack Raiden Shogun. Harunosuke from yougou Three left for another country amid the fury of his mourning. Later, He arrived at liyue and learn the life of an adepti. 

Mother had bared her fangs against the Shogun, who had been kind to her and who had given her a treasured sword. In the end, the only thing that was sent back to the Mikoshi Clan was the tsuba of that blade which she had loved so dearly.Mother's long-cherished wish was to overcome the destiny of life and death with her boiling passion. She would make such contributions as to make an eternal name for the ever-thinning blood of the war-oni. If she was engulfed by the pitch-black tiger-beast of sin itself, then she would tear it apart from the inside. She would've proved her valor resoundingly under the Electro Mitsudomoe banner,But it was stained black in the end, together with her fiercely beating heart...

From then on, her eldest son, who should have inherited the family fortune, lived in seclusion in a village outside the city,

With naught but the mountain and wood as his friends — that is, until he met that girl...

"What a pain. Well, if you wish to abandon your past, allow me to give you a new name."

After hearing about his past, the girl who possessed jet black wings sneered disdainfully.

"Well, you shall be called Iwakura. 'The seat of rock.' A name that human words cannot harm."

From then on, the oldest son of Chiyo, who used to be called Mikoshi Doukei, was called Iwakura, and in the later years created martial art technique named iwakura art. 

The iwakura clan was founded by Iwakura Doukei after redemption by Teruyo of the Yougou Tengu. He eventually developed a technique known as the "Tengu Sweeper," fast and powerful enough to catch even a Tengu. His techniques were noted by an unknown person(s) while he was still alive and they developed the Maguu Kenki series to imitate him, but they malfunctioned, went out of control, and were discarded. Two such puppets found their way onto Yashiori Island, while another was stolen by members of Ako Domeki's pirate crew and wound up in the Golden Apple Archipelago after they were separated from the rest. Later, in current time line, a traveler from afar killed all the Iwakura clan line for a comission, make the clan erased from teyvat. (Lumine/aether)

Nagamasa, one of the Yougou threejoined the Shogunate to clear the Mikoshi name, due to his adoptive mother action (chiyo). After Mikoshi Nagamasa became the inspector, he was for a time obsessed with the grim loveliness of steel. He thus consulted the similarly-inclined Armory Officer Miyazaki for advice, With the end result being this tough and simple sword, the Daitatara Nagamasa. Although he was only the foster son of the Mikoshi Clan, and although his foster mother had stained the reputation of the Mikoshi, And even though Mikoshi's only legitimate heir, Doukei, abandoned him and disappeared, His self-admitted stupidity and loyalty led him to cherish the Mikoshi name all the more. He strove to enter the government and got rid of the family's bad reputation with his diligence and righteousness. When his yoriki Katsuragi was connected with but a single trace of misconduct, he had him executed without mercy. Ever since then, the name of the sword and his title were changed forever.


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