
All you need to know about kim seunho’s scandal PART 1



Kim seunho is involved to his personal scandal. On pan nate post, there is one allegation toward him, although  it isn’t directly mention the actor name. After getting popularity due to his appearance in start up and successful comeback in k drama hometown cha cha cha, he needs to pause his career due to scandal.

His ex girlfriend is 35 years old ex announcer who has worked in the industry for more than 10 years and turn into an influencer, shared to public about the real nature of the popular actor. The ex girlfriend who name choi young ah tells public about KSH true nature. Kim seunho was dating ex announcer choi in early 2020, broken up around May 2021. In July 2020 she got pregnant after unprotective sex and he asked the girl for abortion to save his career and false promise of marriage 2 years later. He said if he come out having a girlfriend now, he needs to pay compensation for breaching a contract. She hang on with any of kim seunho request and comply with it. She postponed to drop the bomb after the drama end for the sake of production team and other staffs. 

 Additionally, his agency, salt entertainment is acting on the sideline as the actor’s contract with the agency is already expired in September 2021, last month.


Currently, the actor has come forward and gave his official statement and apology for his irresponsible action in the pass. He acknowledged his mistakes. The allegations mention about how he gaslighting his ex girlfriend, being irresponsible when the girlfriend become pregnant and forced her to do abortion with false marriages promise, have active sexual activity,  and  selfishly choose his career than caring other people emotional stability. Kim seunho already dropped from his variety show appearance in 2N1D and several of his endorsements (cf), he has breached about 15 endorsements deals due to this scandal. He is also removed from two upcoming drama / movie projects. On October 20, a source from “2 O’Clock Date” production company Filmmaker R&K stated to MyDaily, “We have decided to replace the male lead of ‘2 O’Clock Date.'” Production company JK Film of “Dog Days” also shared, “It’s a bit burdensome to keep going [with Kim Seon Ho] because it’s the role of a romantic couple. We have spoken with the agency, decided to replace him, and are taking the necessary steps.”

As the post is pretty objective and only show the side of his ex girlfiend, there is perhaps some of the accusations that makes too superlative and stretched, but the real situation and core problem whether kim seunho is a selfish boyfriend who choose his career more than his baby and relationship with his ex gf might be true. Still, all of it is more into personal level than professional. But what makes netizen caught on surprise is the actor angelic image and down to earth personality on camera, is so contrast with the sudden information of his personal life. Again, never judge a book by its cover.

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