

A doctor in the United States was fined 45 million rupiah for admitting to assisting in the abortion of a 10-year-old child. Dr. Caitlin Bernard was fined for violating patient privacy even though she did not publish the patient's identity Dr. Caitlin Bernard wants to convey to the world that the ban on abortion harms victims of sexual violence The patient was a victim of rape. This patient traveled all the way from Ohio to Indiana to get an abortion. When the incident took place, Ohio prohibits abortion of the womb over 6 weeks. Following legal proceedings, The Indiana Medical Licensing Board ruled that Dr. Bernard will be retained even though he is still considered to have violated patient privacy

Dr. Bernard was also declared not negligent in reporting cases of violence from his patients. During the trial, Dr. Bernard had said that previously he had handled several underage patients who had also experienced sexual violence

"I want people to believe that the effect of a legal regulation on the population is very large, whether it's the case of abortion or other things"

2nd news:

Hotel owner in South Korea who hidden camera on Wifi Router.

A hotel owner in his 30s has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for illegally filming with a hidden camera. He disguised his camera as a wifi router and put it on the TV shelf on purpose so he could take videos on the side of his bed. The perpetrator was charged with violating the Special Law on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes. So the perpetrator silently put hidden cameras in hotel rooms to film the people who were staying overnight.

The police received a report from a hotel employee who works at this hotel.

The police immediately raided all the rooms and found that there were a total of 14 hidden cameras installed in 10 rooms. The hotels that were raided were in Seoul, Incheon, and in Busan. The hotel doesn't only one. The prosecutor's office also asked the perpetrators not to work 10 years after being released, sexual counseling/therapy, and personal information to be disclosed to the public.

It's just that, the perpetrator recorded it illegally, he secretly recorded when he was having intercourse with a prostitute and the video was saved with him. It's on the cloud drive. In addition to a sentence of 10 years in prison.

There is an extraordinary crime in South Korea whose faces and personal information are published. the case for the perpetrator to file an appeal

His lawyer said that the perpetrator was diagnosed with paraphilia (a sexual disorder), he had tried treatment but after a while it stopped

Because when he took the drug, the perpetrator became sleepy and felt paralyzed which hindered his activities. his lawyer says:

"Please help save him (the perpetrator) by considering that he has already confessed his crime to the police and is cooperating."

3rd news. 

Lady Jane and Hyuntae (BIGFLO) are getting married.

Hyuntae said that he fell in love at first sight with Lady Jane. They will both get married on October 14, 2023. They have been dating for 7 years since 2016.

In Strong Heart League, Lady Jane told that she actually dated until she got married, it's a very secret, she only told her close friends.

When I was close to getting married, the friends even told it to people including journalists. Lady Jane knows her friend means well, so it is okay with it~


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