

Sometimes, fatherly figure give a huge impact to a child just like a mother. A good father is willing to sacrifice and work hard to the bone to ensure her baby is happy and not starving.
Once the amount of love and sacrifice of a father, the story about him is always interesting to be raised in the big screen.This drama tells about the sacrifice and love of a father, you can be touched when watching it

1. My Son (2007)
Starring Cha Seung Won and Ryu Deok Hwan, the film My Son is also known as A Day with My Son and One Day with My Son. The film tells the story of a father's reunion with his only son after being separated for 15 years because his father was jailed.

The father was sentenced to life imprisonment, but he was given the gift of a day of release due to good behavior during detention. One day he used to meet his son who is now a teenager. He tried to get to know and close with his son, but he later found out the sad facts about his son. This break a heart of a father.

2. Daddy You, Daughter Me (2017)

Unlike the other films on this list, Daddy You, Daughter Me is a comedy genre. An adaptation of a Japanese novel, the film starring Jung So Min tells the story of her teenage father and daughter who experienced body swap.

For approximately one week, the father with his daughter's body must go to school. Likewise the princess must go to the office with her father's body. By seeing and feeling each other's lives, the two begin to understand each other better.

3. Hope (2015)
Raising the issue of sexual violence, the film Hope is increasingly touching because the story is taken from a true story. This film tells the story of a girl who experienced brutal sexual violence that she suffered severe external and internal injuries.

The child also experienced post-traumatic stress disorder which made him unable to speak or see his father because he "identified" all adult men as the attackers. To cheer up and help his son's healing, the father chose to wear the cartoon character costume that his son loved every day.

4. Train to Busan (2016)
Train to Busan stars Gong Yoo, Jung Yu Mi, Ma Dong Seok, and other seasoned Korean artists. The story itself centers on the zombie attack on a train to Busan. The train passengers were trying to save themselves from the attack.

Among them was Seok Woo with his little princess. Seok Woo has been busy with work and rarely shows affection for his daughter. But when the zombie virus attacked the train he was traveling on, he tried hard to save his daughter and even willing to sacrifice himself, In the end he didn't make it but at least, his daughter survives.

5. Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2013)
Miracle in Cell No. 7 is always discussed when discussing moving films about the sacrifice of a father. Starring Ryu Seung Ryong, Kal So Won, and Park Shin Hye, this film tells about Yong Goo, a father with mental retardation.

Even though Yong Goo has special conditions, he loves his daughter very much. One day when he wanted to buy a sailor moon bag for his daughter, the child who showed the shop where the bag was sold, fell and died. Although Yong Goo is innocent, he is detained on charges of murdering and sexually assaulting the child.


  1. These are movies, not Kdramas... thanks for the recommendations though


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