

Korean drama has become a favorite show for many people, especially in ASIA. No wonder that there is always a new KDrama released. There are many reasons why people like Korean dramas so much. Starting from the exciting storyline, to the appearance of the charming actors and actresses.

Nowadays many KPop idols try their acting skills by starring in a number of dramas. In fact, some K Drama they starred in succeeded in gaining high ratings and getting many awards. This idols turn actor/actress are well received by many with how natural some of their acting are.

Here are six Korean dramas with high ratings that include an idols to be starring as one of the character.

The drama that aired on December 2, 2016 to January 21, 2017 is indeed about a man named Kim Shin, a goblin figure assigned as a life-protective fairy. One day, Kim Shin fell in love with a human named Ji Eun Tak.

Starring Gong Yoo, Kim Go Eun, Lee Dong, Wook, Yoo In Na, and Yook Sung Jae from 'BTOB'. During its broadcast, the drama won a rating of up to 20.5 percent. At that time, Goblin became the highest rated TV drama for the first time in 22 years. Sung jae previous role including who are you school and The Village: Achiara's Secret .

IU is indeed known as one of the KPop idols who are good at acting. There have been many dramas that IU has played, one of which is Hotel del Luna. In the drama, IU was asked as the main actor along with Yeo Jin Goo.

Reported by Nielson Korea, Hotel del Luna received an average rating of 8.9 percent throughout the 16 episodes. Even in the last episode, this drama broke through the 12 percent rating and made it one of the highest rated tvN dramas of all time. IU previous role including Moonlover, mister, The producers, Bel ami and more!

3. Boys before flowers
The drama which was released in 2009 was indeed played by several KPop idols at the time. Just mention Kim Hyun Joong who was then still a member of the SS501 boy band. There was also Kim Joon from the T-MAX boy band.
This drama won the highest rating for Seoul's national and metropolitan areas by 3 percent. Several awards were also successfully won, such as Best New TV Actor for Lee Min Ho at the 45th Baeksang Arts Awards.

4. Gangnam plastic beauty
Cha Eun Woo is a member of boy band from ASTRO. In KDrama My ID is Gangnam Beauty, he was cast as the main actor along with Im Soo Hyang. For Cha Eun Woo, this is the third TV drama he has ever starred in.

Although only played in a few dramas, but Eun Woo's acting in My ID is Gangnam Beauty managed to get a lot of praise. No wonder this drama won a high rating during the show. After the success of the drama, Cha eun wo also successfully get another main lead as a prince with historian. The drama also got a good rating!

Although the drama also get many starring senior Korean artists, it turns out there are also teenage artists who participated in starring in this drama. One of them is Kang Chan Hee. The member of the SF9 boy band was indeed known to have been a child actor.

Tells the story of family educational problems, Sky Castle even managed to break the rating above 20 percent in the last episode. This also makes Sky Castle as one of the cable tv dramas that won the highest rating of all time.

6. Strong woman do bong son

It can't be denied, there are many viewers who fell in love with Park Hyung Sik after watching this one drama. In this drama, the boy band member ZE: A plays the character of Ahn Min Hyuk, a CEO of a game company. Although cheerful and sometimes excessive, he has a lonely side and does not easily trust other people.

Thanks to his acting and also chemistry with Bong Soon, Park Hyung Sik managed to steal the attention of KDrama lovers. No wonder that Strong Woman Do Bong-soon won a high rating and she also won an award as Best Popular Actor at the 2017 (1st) The Seoul Awards. Park hyungsik previous role including Hwarang, Suits and more!

That was the six Korean dramas starring KPop idols and won high ratings. So, have you watched any of this drama?


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