

 Jyp follow up with the bullying rumor that targeting their idols, Hyunjin. Probably fans already raise question since Hyunjin didn't appear on his latest schedule after the accused scandal. Here are JYP's statement

Hello, this is JYPE.

First of all, we apologize for causing discomfort to many with negative news regarding our artist Stray Kids’ Hyunjin.

As it is a matter to be cautious about, we ask for your understanding as it took some time to release a statement based on the exact facts after investigating through various routes.

We listened to the situation of that time from the fellow students who attended the same school as the member, teachers, and surrounding people, and with the permission of those who wrote the posts, we directly met up with them and listened to their opinions.


Combining the information from various people, their memories of that time are completely different from each other, so there was some difficulty in clearly confirming any of the facts.

However, there are people who were hurt by Hyunjin’s immature and improper actions in the past. Hyunjin deeply regrets and reflects on himself regarding this, so he met up directly with those who wrote the posts and sincerely apologized.

For resolving misunderstandings with Hyunjin, for accepting his sincere apology, and for showing support for his future, we once again express sincere gratitude.

If there are any others who were unable to be reached but have been hurt by Hyunjin’s actions in the past, we express apologize.

Hyunjin has resolved to live properly while always self-reflecting from now on, and we will also pay extra effort for our artist to go down the correct path.

Lastly, we ask that everyone refrain from spreading false rumors and speculative reports, and we will take more careful measures regarding the trainee and artist selection process that we weren’t alert about before.

Thank you.

My insert opinion:

It seems there is some truth with the accusation for Hyunjin. Although 80% of the accusation to idols has proven as false, made by jealous netizen or haters, this one seems legit. Because in same cases, their old classmate actually defends the accused idols, or they just let it slide. From Hyunjin's personal message below and Jyp's official statement regarding this bullying scandal, it shows that Hyunjin might hurt someone in the pass (probably his schoolmate). As JYP is someone who take this case seriously, and has track record of kicking their trainee because  of bullying scandal, this means Hyun jin's fault might not be severe. He might talk trash to his classmate before, some people do nasty things in their puberty years. One thing for sure, there is classmate who hate him.

Some netizen comments:

 JYP already protect Hyunjin from the same news on 2018 when he was on Stray Kids survival show but this time it blew up like crazy so they have no choice. He's a precious asset for JYP (and a main key in Stray Kids) so they will protect him AT ALL COST

Hyunjin handwritten letter on Instagram:

Hello, this is Stray Kids’ Hyunjin.

First of all, I sincerely apologize to those who were hurt by my improper actions during my school years. Looking back on times when I was more lacking, I am embarrassed and have no excuse. I have realized that my actions and words that did not know how to be considerate of others have hurt others. It is too late, but I will deeply reflect on myself.

Whether it was intended or not, I don’t think I can be forgiven at all for giving unforgettable to pain to someone.

I am deeply reflecting on myself as I know well that just because I apologized and they accepted the apology doesn’t mean that the pain I gave in the past will be erased entirely.

Although this is shameless, I want to express gratitude to those who were hurt by me for allowing me to directly meet them to belatedly apologize and ask for forgiveness through this letter.

If there happen to be others who have been hurt by my improper actions during my school years who I cannot meet directly, I want to express my apologies at least through writing like this.

I sincerely apologize for causing deep disappointment to the many people who have supported me.

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