

This week and in the next two days will be an end for two amazing current Korean drama, twenty five twenty one and business proposal. Both of the dramas are different genre and are very contrasting. If twenty five twenty one talks the story about maturity and growing up, where it has been very realistic of daily life struggle, yet brought it in heart warming way, business proposal is your romantic comedy Korean drama with all the cliche you can get, it is simple yet fun to watch. 

If you haven’t watced the drama, try to watch it, I bet you will like it.

In this occasion, we will talk about twenty five twenty one more. If you have watched the drama from episode 1 to 15, viewers are waiting for an answer about one big question, who is Michae’s father? We follow the story of Na heedo, a fencing athlete, three gold medal champion in a row. There is a back forward time from the past to future and people are dying to get more hint about the ending whether their favorite couple will end up together till the end.

Yet, the script writer and producer are cunningly play the viewers’s hearts, thus prolong the misery of curious soul. People has created a lot of theories that some even spot on about the 9/11 attack.

If on episode 15, they have shown pretty clear the reason why they might be broken up, and noone can be blame for it. So in eps 16, viewers will get the answer of what they wanted to know.


It is a joke… lol

Even until the end people still doesn’t know who is Minchae’s father. But it is pretty clear that our Baekdo couple doesn’t end up together. But other couple, Yurim and Jiwong are still stay strong and he even propose her in eps 16. Not only that, we get the continuation of possible new ship between our beloved cool lady seungwan with Baek yijin’s lil brother. Again, it has been a bittersweet ending through the drama, from Seungwan’s episode where she needs to lose one of her year and Yurim’s episode where she needs to sacrifice her happiness for her family. Baek yijin still answers with na heedo when he entered the question regarding his first love. Na heedo is still supporting Baekyijin even they didn’t end up together.

Although if you insist to know about Michae's father, here is the snipet:

Actually, they filmed a scene where Na Heedo's husband where seen together with young minchae but it got edited out. I think because who even Minchae's father isn't important, the truth is, it is not baek yijin. But the mom of the child actress shared above photos.

In short, it has been an amazing journey of grown up and sometimes we can not get everything we want in life, what we can keep is holding our dignity in difficult times. The drama just taught us how precious youth is. it's precious because it'll only be a phase, it'll be the only time where passion and friendship are the only things that matter. that's why you have to treasure it


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