

The eruption this month of an underwater volcano near Tonga in 2021 was hundreds of times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb according to expert.  Scientists are starting to take the measure of the monster volcanic eruption that rocked the South Pacific kingdom of Tonga. But do you know that there is other huge eruption in the world's history? Find out now!

1. La garita

The largest volcanic eruption of all time is the eruption of Mount La Garita which is located in Colorado, United States. This volcano erupted about 27 million years ago, and spewed about 5 thousand cubic kilometers of lava enough to cover an area of California with a thickness of 12 meters. According to USGS data as quoted from LiveScience, November 11, 2010, the eruption was also the largest eruption since the Ordovician era which lasted between 504 to 438 million years ago. Because of the magnitude of the eruption scientists added a ninth level on the VEI scale, and declared La Garita to be on a scale of nine. Although this ranking is still being debated, La Garita is the only eruption that is on a scale of nine.

2. Mount Toba

Mount Toba, is the only supervolcano in Indonesia, this mountain erupted about 74,000 years ago. The eruption of Mount Toba spewed about 3000 cubic kilometers of magma and another 800 cubic kilometers, even the spread of ash was found almost all over the world. The crater formed from this volcanic eruption is now commonly referred to as Lake Toba. A Professor of Anthropology from the University of Illinois, Stanley Ambrose and a lead researcher from the University of Adelaide, Australia, Professor Martin AJ. Williams, said that the eruption of Mount Toba had covered solar radiation for 6 years. In addition, on this earth it is suspected that there has been a long enough drought, to indicate a decrease in extreme temperatures, said Ambrose. Almost all of human population wiped out and the earth under winter climate for 6 years.

3. Yellow Stone

Mount Yellowstone is a 10,380 feet (3,142 m) Rocky Mountain group located in Wyoming, United States. On top of this mountain is the oldest and largest national park in the United States. In this national park also formed the Yellowstone Caldera which is actually a volcanic caldera from Mount Yellowstone. Geologists believe Mount Yellowstone will erupt next, as it has shown signs ranging from earthquake swarms to gas emissions. Yellowstone's most powerful eruption was 640,000 years ago, if this volcano erupted, half of the United States would have been erased and there would have been variations in climate over the years.

4. Tambora

Tambora's catastrophic eruption began on April 5, 1815, with small tremors and pyroclastic flows. A shattering blast blew the mountain apart on the evening of April 10. The blast, pyroclastic flows, and tsunamis that followed killed at least 10,000 islanders and destroyed the homes of 35,000 more.  Over the following four months the volcano exploded - the largest volcanic explosion in recorded history. The eruption changed the world's climate so much (even crops in Europe and North America failed) that 1816 became known as "the year without a summer." Tambora itself shrank several thousand feet and traded its peak for a massive crater at its summit.

5. Krakatoa

Indonesia's Krakatoa Volcano erupted famously in 1883, destroying over 70% of the island of Krakatoa and disrupting its surrounding small islands. In 1927, a new volcanic island known as Anak Krakatoa (Child of Krakatoa), emerged from the caldera left behind in 1883. Krakatoa's eruption sent six cubic miles of rock, ash, dust and debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies and producing vividly colored sunsets and other spectacular effects around the world.

6. Taupo

Mount Taupo is located in central New Zealand on the North Island. The mountain is part of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, an area of volcanic activity that stretches from Ruapehu in the South, through Taupo and the Rotorua region, to the white islands of the Bay of Plenty. Mount Taupo erupted about 26,500 years ago, this volcanic eruption reached a scale of 8 in the VEI, 100 times larger than Mount Krakatau. This volcanic eruption spewed about 430 cubic kilometers of solid material, 320 cubic kilometers of pyroclastic clouds and 420 cubic kilometers of lava. As a result of this eruption the Moas bird became extinct.


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