

 Recently, the senior group from sm entertainment, aka super junior has shared their concern and half objection about the Kwagya concept. Although it’s pretty creative and fresh concept from sm entartainment producer, Lee soo man, but it doesn’t mean it will be well received.

One of super junior members, Eunhyuk even shared his opinion regarding  the expanding universe of kwangya to other sm artists. He said, “I agree it's a well thought out universe but it forced some artists into it. I thought I would do whatever I was told but it gave me a headache."

Most of the fans are agreeing with his opinion, especially the like of older generation such as super junior and exo. Sometimes, it is not good to force a concept from an established group, although it might be a creative process. Some fans expressed that they liked when EXO, Red Velvet, and each SM artist had their own universe and concept. Now they are forcing every new song to include the Kwangya concept and it's honestly getting tiring for fans to enjou it fully.

It might be a suitable concept for Aespa. So what is Kwangya?

Kwangya itself is a term related to the imaginative world as part of the SM Culture Universe concept or known as SMCU. The term Kwangya that you often hear is a term used for a digital world that runs without time limits, without flats, and without any rules or forms. Kwangya and Flat are also described as an arid world without life.


As it is known that SM Entertainment recently presented the first episode of SM Culture Universe entitled Black Mamba. Aespa's song is packaged in a web series display with a duration of about 10 minutes. And of course in the cultivation of the first episode of the SMCU, the girl group Aespa became the main character.

The concept is also going in development by other big agency such as hybe, where they intoruduce webtoon with HYBE artist as the main character, such as BTS CHAKHO, CRIMSON WITCH and many more.

Back to KWANGYA, The first episode of BLACK MAMBA told about a malfunction that occurred in "ae". With the help of a figure named Nevies, “ae” tries to solve the mystery of the malfunction by visiting a world called Kwangya.

Besides Black Mamba's song and AESPA newer MV, Next Level, also has something to do with Kwangya. The song from Aespa, outlines the story of the Aespa member's journey to Kwangya. After it was officially released, the music video for this Next Level song received more attention from fans. Why is that? Because this MV reveals previously unreleased coordinates of Kwangya, it helps fans to find his location.

After watching the music video for Aespa Next Level, there are several assumptions about the coordinates or location of the actual Kwangya. In the online community there is one fan who thinks that according to him the location of Kwangya is in the new building of the SM Entertainment company.

In the concept, fans is introduced with several new term. FLAT is a digital world where ae belongs to every aespa member. It's like FLAT is the earth while KWANGYA is a galaxy that has not been touched by humans. P.O.S stands for Port of Soul. P.O.S is a portal that connects FLAT and the real world.

Because of P.O.S, every AESPA member who is in the real world, can relate to their respective ae. NAEVIS in the concept of aespa itself is a connecting portal between FLAT and KWANGYA.

SYNK seems to come from the word synchronize. It Is a sophisticated term that is used when AESPA members make connections with their respective AEs. (Their animation character) When aespa and ae-aespa SYNK, they become MY, which is actually the name of AESPA fandom. MY means closed friend. Finally, there is the Black Mamba which is an evil creature that roams KWANGYA. Black Mamba interrupts SYNK between aespa and ae-aespa until it disconnects.

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