
Where to read all of us are dead webtoon all 138 episodes

 This past few days, the netflix drama themed zombie apocalypse title as ALL OF US ARE DEAD has been trending since it is released last friday. Unlike most Korean drama series, where we need to wait every week for 2 new episodes, netflix decide to release all the 12 episodes right away. Everything released all at once ensures that more people will watch through to the end, thus making the show that much more valuable to Netflix as it spreads word of mouth and so on. Binge watching is reffered to as releasing all new episodes of a series at the same time, a step to win over binge viewers who do not want to wait a week for the next installment. It started with House of cards in 2013. Many companies are looking foward to adapt this kind of model and it becomes a new trend nowadays, just like squid game and kingdom.

If you have finished wathing the series, you will realize that the ending has potential to get new second  season, as we could explore the like of namra, the hybrid human.

For people who is interested to read the webtoon of all of us are dead, here is the official link:


By reading on the offical site, not only you read it for free, you also support the author.

Yes, I know that sometimes this is not viewable for some countries, and it only has 8 episodes. Well fear not, if you still want to read the webtoon there is also unofficial site that update to 138 episodes currently as January 2022.

Here is the link

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