

Leaked is some kind of accident that often happened for popular group, since people are urge to listen  and become the first to witness the awesomeness. Several leaked that has been occured for eg to exo and bts comeback title song. It isn’t a secret that Izone has pre recorded their comeback concert, fiesta or bloomiz, but got postponed to unknown time due to recent vote fraud in produce 101.

Because of this scandal x1 needs to cancelled their appearance on v award show, izone cancelled appearance in a lot of variety show and tv program, as well as, japanese radio for sakura and hitomi.

After trending on twitters for so many days and delayed without any further schedule or activities up to 40 days, it seems the fans couldn’t wait anymore. Izone new titled song fiesta is leaked from the pre recording of comeback show 2 months ago.

It might not be clear and the audio system isn’t smooth just like any other leaked (obviously since it was recorded by phone), yet it might fed some fans curiosity.  If you want to hear several spoiler regarding Bloomiz, several surprised elements including chaewon’s short hair, sakura’s rap and center part also eunbi and yuri highlights singing.

Sorry, I’ve listened the leak but I won’t post it on this article to acknowledge the members effort and other wizone wishes. Yet, you might found it soon because when it got leaked, you can erased it out of the internet.

For some people who has listened to the new izone song: fiesta from their latest album bloomiz, do you like it? Please tell me your opinion.

And for people who haven’t listen, let’s be patient and wait a bit longer for a clear high quality song.

ANOTHER LEAKED FOR FIESTA 4 days before the actual official release.
44 sec performance clip from Idols room recording has been leaked and showing a completely high quality sound of fiesta and their energetic choreography!!

On the leaked video, it's start with Yuri being the center, moving on to eunbi then woonyoung and end it with minju.


  1. Well I think this post is quite far but I hope you see this. I think many korean wizones don't like leaked video etc. so some people require to delete the video. Well my opinion is not different. When I heard the leaked fiesta I was confused. Is this real? And 12/02/2020 00:00 Fiesta MV teaser was opened and the leaked source was real.
    Anyway leaking song is not allowed action in many entertainment (except noise marketing).
    But can you tell me the source of the leaked song? Someone said it was in comebackshow but show was postponed in every country except the source of leaked record. And I found written apology from mnet so if you know please reply to airandyair@gmail.com.
    Thank you for your post. This post was so glad for me when I finding the information of leaked music.


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