

Idol-turned-actress C is infamous for remodeling her face without a break. Since transforming as an actress, she's been going to her plastic clinic non-stop because she's never satisfied with her face. Because of this, C's cute, quirky face lost its charm. Those who haven't seen her in a while don't even recognize her. C's mother had enough and warned her, "If you get work done again, I'll disown you." It's a pity how nothing else can seem to help with her self-esteem. (Jan 21)

netizen B posted an article titled "My husband had an affair with a celebrity and even had an abortion" in an online community. B revealed, "I'm a newlywed who has been married to my husband for 3 months. But my husband had an affair with A and she's currently pregnant. When I found out about the affair, my husband ended the relationship and said the baby wasn't his. He said A is planning to get an abortion but is demanding abortion money. If he doesn't give the money, she'd give birth and he would have to pay child support. "My husband asked me to trust him again because she had the abortion but I couldn't trust him anymore so I asked for a divorce. But he revealed his true nature when he demanded I settle the debts and fines owed first. I'm preparing a divorce suit. Attention is focused on identity of A. B left hints that A is a girl group idol born in 1988.

G (no gender stated) is a top actor who has a mysterious personal life and only stars in movies and CFs. G is known for appearing at brand events briefly and earning $x0,000 in cash. G was spotted at a brand event after a while. A reporter who knew G personally approached G who was talking to another celebrity. The reporter asked kindly, "How are you?" but G just nodded and left the place. G ignores all other journalists in the same way. It turned out that G acted that way because the contract said, "G will attend the event and be paid with gifts and cash" and didn't mention that G had to talk to the reporters. The reporters were furious and asked, "So G thinks he should be paid more to say hi to us?"

- Multi-entertainer D is an official homebody because when she doesn't have schedules, she never goes outside. Actually, it was found that even at home, she can never take a break because she's busy dating around. D is known for her thirst for men. D was burned by paparazzi once. Since then, she started having home dates only. She was seeing a singer E briefly. When E enlisted, she jumped onto an artist F right away. Shortly after, she switched to a hallyu star G. At this point, she's an "artist killer". Because of D's homebody life, D's actress friends who ate and drank non-stop with her gained too much weight and are struggling as well. (Jan 7)

A popular female idol G, who has a beautiful appearance, dates male idols non-stop. He also dated popular idol H. G and H broke up because H didn't focus on G and played games during their romance. G spoke ill of H and called him "the shit car (똥차)". G is also dating a male idol who is bi. I is also dating a male idol J. Female idol G and male idol J are rivals to win I's heart. Their triangular relationship is said to be the highest level of the idol romance world. (11 Nov)

Top star A is called a 'goddess' but on the inside, she's struggling with her husband who cheats on her all the time. She doesn't want a divorce either because she doesn't want her financials to be affected by the divorce. Whenever A hears about her husband's "women", she would take her husband to an overseas trip. She would take pictures with him while holding hands at overseas and cease down the rumors. It's unbelievable that one can even cheat with someone like A. (Dec 10, 2020)

Actor C is a "national actor" with his good image. However, C is actually rude and likes to use violence. C is notorious for hitting both male and female hoobaes. C and top actress D got into a physical fight while drunk with each other. Hoobae E used to be very close to C, but E said he "never met sunbae C again" and turned down any project with C in it.

Another one-company pair came again from idols. A popular male idol who is also a scandal maker, idol E, manages to seduce his company's hoobae F who is much younger. Group F is the girl group to look forward to and F is the visual of the group. She is also approached by many male idols. F is seen in and out of E's place many times. The local residents even thought that F and E were siblings. It won't be too long until we see a photo of F running into E's place in a hat, mask, and shirt without pants.

Icon of plastic surgery' female star B is pulling a James Bond to get plastic surgery. Despite numerous issues, B is known for her great singing talent. When she signed with her current agency, one of the terms on the contract was "no more plastic surgery". However, it's not easy to quit an addiction. At first B seemed to have stopped getting work done. But she got caught going to a plastic clinic by her agency. As a result her manager had to guard outside of B's ​​home. But B wasn't about to give up that easily. B would invite a close friend to her place and pretend they're just hanging out. After that, she would call two taxis, she and her friend would ride each taxi, and have the manager following the wrong taxi. B's agency is worried about B's looks that are just getting worse and worse. (Oct 17, 2020)

Troublemaker idol H makes people worry. H is an idol who used to be big and had to self-reflect due to controversy. People thought H had grown up finally, but he started going to ten pro bars again a few months ago. He became SNS friends with the employees and befriended them. The problem is that H's new friends include those accused of using [forbidden] drugs. People worry that H will even end up using drugs. If H gets involved in a scandal again, it's impossible for him to come back.

Idol group F has promotions in various fields, but there are internal conflicts within the group. A member G, born in 1997, is the center of the conflict. G is in charge of brightness and energy in the group. G has many connections with other idol groups. Since a lot of 97'ers are actively promoting in the industry, G is busy expanding his/her connections. In the beginning of the year, G was invited to a group chat full of popular 97'ers and his/her affection for their group seems to have gone away. G would tell his/her members, "My friends are all doing well, what the hell is with you guys?" or "My group will flop except me." G should realize that they're nothing without their group. (Jul 31, 2020)

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