

This is several Genshin Lore that you might want to know:

1. About Istaroth

Phanes challenged the Seven Sovereigns and created Four Shining Shadows of himself to fight the Dragons. Among the Four Shadows was Istaroth, the Goddess of the Thousand Winds of Time, who was worshiped in Mondstadt - along with Barbatos - and in Enkanomiya, as Tokoyo Ookami.

Istaroth is one of the shades of the primordial one. she was one of the god that was worshipped in mondstatd once but was later forgotten. the thousand wind temple is dedicated to her. she is also the one who heard the prayers of the people of enkanomiya and later gave the knowledge to abrax to build the helios. Istaroth the God of Time. Her presence can be first seen in Mondstadt with the sundials. Then in Enkanomiya (she was the one who gave a vision to Aberaku to create the Dainichi Mikoshi). Now in Ei second story quest, istaroth seems to be friends with Makoto, another archon.

After 40 years of conflict, Phanes and his Shadows emerge victorious over the Sovereigns, and the world falls under the control of the Heavens, while the Sovereigns' subjects flee to the oceans.  Afterwards, the Primordial begins to create heaven and earth for the good of Humanity and its Creations.

2. There are 3 realms in Genshin impact.

Most of the time, the game always describe this 3 separate realm, even with all difference name, yet similarity:

The Realm of Light (aka the Dragon Realm, where Dragons and elemental creatures came from)

The Realm of the Void, where perhaps the Abyss came from

And the Realm of Humans, created by the Primordial, for Humans and Gods

In ancient times when Axis Mundi was unobstructed, there were three realms, each a world of its own. The realm of humans was known as Moonlight Forest (Teyvat) and under it was shadow called Land of Night (Abyss), while the gods reside in Kingdom of light (Celestia). At the end of the last calamity, a war between the gods broke out. The passageway between the three realms by Axis Mundi has been sealed off. The white Irminsul trees, connected to the ley lines in the earth, held great importance in the religious rituals of these ancient civilizations.

3. About Our Guide, Paimon

Paimon design hinted connection to unknown god. In some of the motif, her clothes resembles dainsleif, a citizen of fallen nation, khaenri'ah. Paimon also said she was the god of protection but didn’t go into too much depth, “mysteriously” enough, unknown god said that she is the defender of heavenly principles. The god of sustainer who protects the heavenly principles.

Mona who is expert in astrology can not read her fortune. And even on enkanomiya world quest, one of the sunchildren, named ion, who can read a fortune also can’t read Paimon. The sunchild declares that paimon fate has "too much interference to be read, and that's weird because he did, in life, mess up readings, but it never occurred to be completely unable to see a thing".  In mona case, she also can’t see the traveller’s fate since we are from different world. With new revalation that celestial is a foreign being who comes to this world and create teyvat, could it be means that paimon might be from another world too like us? One more important hint, on the event paimon said that people have different thing that they need to protect. 

4. About Orobashi
For many years, Orobashi respected the boundary between Watatsumi Island and the Narukami. Orobashi knows that he is no match against the almighty raiden ei, thus making them as enemy is a big No. Raiden Makoto and Ei also acknowledge Orobashi existence, She respect  and let the people of watatsumi island to worship another god beside the electro archon in inazuma. Both side lived in peace. A ritual involving the worship of both the Raiden Shogun and Orobashi is developed. This ritual must be performed before starting any other ritual.

The inhabitants of Watatsumi call themselves the people of the sea and worship the Great Serpent as the Orobashi no Mikoto. Just as the human heart runs deep and water flows downhill, the spirit of Watatsumi Island constantly feels the calls of Enkanomiya, down in the depths. The soil is slowly bleaching, becoming Holy Soil. People are worried that Watatsumi Island will one day become a desert as pale as the moonlight. In this world of fickle fortune, humans, puny as they are, often suffered on account of their bitter lives and were gloomy because of their pain and misfortune. The infertile land leads to years of famine and disease.

Moving by the request of his own people for hundreds of years, Orobashi reluctantly agrees to Watatsumi's  plan to invade and conquer part of Yashiori Island. In past years, Orobashi has trained Watatsumi people to become mighty warriors who commandeered ships and sea monsters while mastering wave and cloud, leading them in an invasion of the Electro Archon's lands amidst the whistling of whalesongs. Yet even with all this preparation, Orobashi  knew that he would not have any chance of survival this time. He had no hope of victory, and his purpose was not conquest, but sacrifice. The shrine maiden written a prophecy of the certain defeat and the future of humiliation that awaited this eastern expedition. Orobashi accepted the prophecy's result calmly.  Even if Orobashi would pass away, its people would endlessly weave their memories of joy, prosperity, bitterness, and loss into a united faith. These memories, in turn, would flourish on account of the intense emotions of a vanquished people forced into shameful submission. Perhaps it was upon heaven's order (Celestia) that Orobashi went to his death, after all he should have died when he lost at the archon war.


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