

 We already get and finish almost the quest of Enkanomiya, after that, what is exactly we get in term of lore or storyline of genshin impact? If you want to check out the latest information regarding Celestia in a fan theory way, keep reading.

1. There are 3 realms in Genshin impact

As far as we know, there are 3 realms separated with "gates" that keep each other for interacting directly in ancient times when Axis Mundi was unobstructed, there were three realms, each a world of its own. The realm of humans was known as Moonlight Forest (Teyvat/Human realm) and under it was shadow called Land of Night (Abyss/Vishap realm), while the "gods" reside in Kingdom of light (Celestia/ heaven realm). The passageway between the three realms by Axis Mundi has been sealed off. Only at the abyss realm, the celestia doesn't have any rule over it.

Envoys of the gods made the earth more hospitable for humanity and dwelled among them, while humans could communicate with Celestia directly. The white Irminsul trees, connected to the ley lines in the earth, held great importance in the religious rituals of these ancient civilizations.


2. Celestia might be the invader, Thy attacked the ancient god, win over and make them leave the realm of light.

Once upon a time, dragons or vishaps are the overlords of the world. The Vishap is a dragon in Armenian mythology closely associated with water, similar to the Leviathan. It is usually depicted as a winged snake or with a combination of elements from different animals. 

The Seven Sovereigns were dragon-lords who stood at the peak of the hierarchy and held control over all land and ocean. The dragon ruled over seven nations, and each land they inhabited was attuned to their presence.

 The true lord, the Primordial One (Presumably Celestia), came forth and did battle against the seven sovereigns, dragon-lords of the old world. The Primordial One challenges the Seven Sovereigns (The dragon lord) and created four shining shades of itself to do battle against the dragons. It ultimately prevails and establishes a new world.

The losing dragon refuses to obey Celestia, thus escaping to dark sea (or the abyss realm). The world falls under the control of the heavens (Celestia), and Thy creates the world and human. It enters new age. At that time, the world has a single unified civilization.

3. Abyss Order might be the one who attack Celestia first, but their attempt failed badly.

Khaen'riah is an advanced civilization always smell fishy as they always try to test The heavenly principle. (The creation of ruin guard, homonculus, vishap experimental lab, etc).

The world is in their peace time for hundreds of years under celestia order before the second throne of  heavens came (Presumably Abyss Order) , and a great war was rekindled, as it was in the world's creation. Phanes, the Primordial One, used the eggshell to separate the "universe" and the "microcosm of the world. PHANES was the primordial god (protogenos) of creation in the Orphic cosmogony. His name means "bring to light" or "make appear" from the Greek verbs phanaô and phainô. So the door/gate for each three realm is sealed.

Our ancenstor land (Presumably some part of the single unified civilization under Celestia order, aka Sangonomiya clan or later known as Enkanomiya citizen) and their ancestral land (The abyss) fell into the dark sea  during that conflict. But do you remember that the dragon / vishap is already living there after losing the war with celestia? 

The Dragonheirs of the Depths ruled this particular place (dark sea), which led to war between sangonomiya clan and the dragonheir of the depth.

4. Celestia might create the archon system to help them rule human realm and fight the abyss.

So after the second great war, Celestia is able to hold their throne, but deep down the dark sea, there is a dark force who is waiting for the fall of Celestia. (Pale princess and six pygmies : The cruel Night Mother, who had neither heart nor mouth, was always watching the Land of Night, and her punishments were always unexpected.)  To prepare for the next war, Celestia selected soldiers from Human realm and made them ascend to become his celestial army after death, thus this led of Archon war 2000 yrs ago.

Celestia even order some people to fight agains dark force or even enter the abyss realm for certain mission. But it is told that most of them are going astray from their original goal and losing sight of themselves, typically as a result of another individual's influence or actions.

5. Celestia have already set Their own "Heavenly plan"which led to infinite destruction and re-creation 

The nature of the world Celestia created was cyclical; humanity would thrive and prosper under Celestia's blessings before being coming to an end, and then the earth would be renewed and the cycle begins once again. However, humanity was not meant to know this, so when people questioned how long their prosperity would last, the heavenly envoys remained silent.

6. The current on going war is actually the continuation of the pass battle /war between Celestia and Abyss Order

Beneath the kingdom of light (celestia), there were once a race with beautiful, humanoid forms and great wisdom, living in Human realm. They built a large and prosperous civilization and erected large palaces. They challenged the gods' authority and sought to enter the gardens of heavens. This angered the heavenly envoys, and the chief priest donned a crown of Irminsul branches and went to the depths of the world to try and appease them. (The cataclysm and the fall of Khaen'riah). 

In Summary: 

Celestia come as invader and win the first war against Vishap and make them run into dark sea (the abyss realm). They create the human realm and stay in the kingdom of light (heaven realm). The loser run away to the abyss realm.

The second war arise, celestia being attacked by Dark Force / Abyss order. Celestia keep the throne. The side effect: Some part of kingdom under Celestia order and Abyss order fell into the abyss realm where Vishap already living there. The Celestia Kingrom who fell is later known as Sangonomiya clan by inazuman. They're struggle but able to survive. The era of darkness had begun for Sangonomiya in Enkanomiya. The celestia didn't hear the prayer from them at that time. (Presumably because they're already busy with war in the surface, the archon war 2000 yrs ago, etc)

But after several hundred of years or thousand, finally celestia order some of envoys and make aberaku to create Helios that light up the dark sea and make the vishap gone away. Peace was established in Enkanomiya, but a cabal of powerful people would manipulate the people of Byakuyakoku (Enkanomiya/Sangonomiya clan) into worshipping the Dainichi Mikoshi as a god, and chose a child to be the Sunchild and rule over the land. 

They claim to have received some divine decree and fly the flag of the gods, but they only seek to satiate their base desires. Thus Celestia order Orobashi to abyss realm and rule over the Byakuyakoku people. Yet, eventually They also cooperate with the abyss order (Khaen'riah, Eclipse Dynasty) to seek for greater power (thus the creation of Vishap experimental lab in enkanomiya, hidden from the map). After all both of them fell in the same realm. 

1000-500 yrs ago, Orobashi accidentally found the truth and ordered to sacrifice himself in exchange for Byakuyakoku's life in the surface. People who knows about the truth will be left behind in Enkanomiya. 500 yrs ago, Celestia also found the hidden plan of Khaenriah. As they challenged the Heaven's authority and sought to enter the gardens of heavens. This angered the heavenly envoys, and the Tokoyo Ookami, the "mother" of fourteen billion years, donned a crown of Irminsul branches and went to the abyss realm, to try and appease them. Khaen'ria is fallen.

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