

Every single year, there is always new kpop girl group or boy group that debut in each month. With more and more competition from senior group to super rookies, Kpop entertainment has become more and more harsh and competitive. For that, it's only about time, for several unsuccessful Kpop group disband, left the members with a lot of debt. Disbandment might not be the only option that a group could make, sometimes, a group might have to change formations (members) to recreate new image and build their brand again from basic. In other case, there might be a member or two who decide to leave the group to pursue other career because they thought that being a Kpop idols might not be their luck. Whatever the resion is, KPop's entertainment world is always tinged with news of resignation from idol group members. The phenomenon of leaving members does not only occur in KPop groups who have entered senior age in their career that debuted for several years, but also for just debuted group. From ealth reasons to personal family matters, here are 11 KPop idol groups that lost a member:

1. 2PM and Jay Park
After just a year of debuting, 2PM was left behind by its leader Jaebum due to the controversy of writing "Korea is gay" on his personal blog when he was a JYP trainee. Now he pioneered a solo career with the name of Jay Park and re-debut as a solo rapper and singer. He is now being an independent artist. 

2. Wonder girls, from Hyuna, Sunmi and then the leader Sunye to Sohee
Wonder Girls debuted in February 2007, but five months after their debut, the group was abandoned by HyunA, who was later replaced with Yubin. Wonder girls is a girlgroup with a lot of members change, because for JYP, people know WG as 5 members girl group, thus make him find anyone to replace a member that left. After WG advancement to The US that gone wrong, Sunmi left by health issues and educational matters. Then the leader left WG after she got married and now have babies. After WG long contract end, Sohee decide not to renew her contract and try to pursue a career in acting.

3. Girl group Apink debuted in April 2011. Unfortunately, when the age of the group was only 2 years old, one of the member, Youkyung decided to leave to focus on education. 


4. EXO, which has been phenomenal since its debut in 2012 with amazing two concept market in China and South Korea, was left by Kris in May 2014, then followed by Luhan in October, continue with another member left too, which is Tao in April 2015. With almost all Chinese member left the group, except Lay who is rarely participate in Group performance, EXO now side away the two concept market and go with full members.

5. Winner who debuted in August 2014 was left behind by the maknae, Nam Tae Hyun in November 2015 due to health problems. Several months, and we found out that the real reason might be different. Nam taehyun himself spoiled on his instagram that he wasn't get along with the other winner members and feel suffocated while in the group. Thus, make him decide to end his contract with YG and create his own group and agency.

6. The same thing happened to Oh My Girl. Not even a year of debut, JinE members decided to leave because of suffering from anorexia, it is a serious clinical problem that might fatal for some people.

7. When the age of the Pentagon's debut was only two years when member E'Dawn was declared to withdraw from the group and Cube Entertainment agency after his relationship with HyunA was revealed to the public. A lot of fans asked or requested to the agency, CUBE, to terminate E-Dawn's contract and kick him out of the group, so sad....

8. The band formed by JYP Entertainment, Day6 was left by Junhyeok just five months after debut. Junhyeok is known to resign due to personal matters, which we might not now forever.

9. The Boyz, who are only two years old, must be left by Hwall members since last October 2019

10. In the same month, Stray Kids, who was only two years old, was also left by one of its member, Woojin. A lot of Stray kids fans are dumbfounded by this news and still can accept the departure yet.

11. Finally, girl group Momoland, which has only been formed for three years, has been officially abandoned two of its members, Taeha and Yeonwoo. Momoland will only promote with 6 members, while one of the ex-member tried her luck to acting career. Actually the news didn't surprise fans, because it has been a rumor among fans when the agency only put 6 members name on momoland anniversary post.

Those are the 11KPop groups that members must leave within one to three years after debut. Even though it was sad to see them breaking up, hopefully the decision they made was indeed the best way for them.

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