

Interest in the potential benefits of garlic has origins in antiquity and is one of the earliest documented examples of plants employed for treatment of disease and maintenance of health. Garlic was in use at the beginning of recorded history and was found in Egyptian pyramids and ancient Greek temples. 

Believe it or not but if you search on google or other searching engine about how to heal a pimple or acne, or boil, some of the articles will show you garlic as some of the remedy. Garlic is known for its benefit, which is true, but not in the case of skin. Garlic is native to Central Asia, where it has long been used for a variety of medicinal purposes—from improving respiration to alleviating diarrhea. But never ever apply that to your skin for too long.

A report published in the journal BMJ Case Reports recounts the case of a British woman who tried to treat Tinea pedis commonly known as athlete's foot or athlete's foot with raw garlic cloves. For four weeks, four hours a day, the woman wore a piece of raw garlic around her left big toe. Instead of healing, garlic actually made the woman's feet burn and blister. Even when she finally went to the doctor, the woman's problems were twofold: a fungal infection of Tinea pedis and a burn.

The blisters that you experience can be caused by irritation and allergies to garlic. This is known as contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is inflammation of the skin due to exposure to certain materials / substances on the skin that cause irritation / allergies. Contact dermatitis will cause the skin to become red, itchy, hot, feels like burning to blisters, dry and cracked skin.

Although contact dermatitis will gradually disappear when the skin is not in contact with the substance / substance that causes dermatitis, but the symptoms on the skin can last for weeks and vary from person to person.

In this day and age, information is easier to obtain, not only through television, reading newspapers, or by listening to the radio. We can also easily get various information by surfing in cyberspace. Unfortunately, not all information on the internet can be justified.



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