


Here are several mysterious case that isn't solved yet about a high probability of murderer or homicide.

1. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon death

The two girls were Dutch students who disappeared on 1 April 2014, while hiking the El Pianista trail in Panama. Since their death might actually affect Tourism in Panama, the government isn't really transparent about this case and concur that it's just another hiking accident. But several weird fact are actually found along the missing of 2 girls. On 1 April around 11:00, they went hiking near the clouded forests that surrounded the Baru volcano, on the El Pianista trail, not far from Boquete. Some sources say they took with them a dog that belonged to the owners of the Il Pianista restaurant. They wrote on FB that they intended to walk around Boquete, and it was reported that they had been seen having brunch with two young Dutch men before embarking on the trail. The dog return yet the two girls isn't nowhere to be found. What is more complicated that there are several photos took after their alleged missing days. Although by the behavior and vibe of the photos, it's just took in strange way. Police found there is one crucial photos missing, that can't be tracked or restore from the camera memory card. Keep in mind, even FBI can't restore the file, that it means they use several advance method to delete the data file. 10 weeks after the disappearance,  on 14th of June, a local woman turned in Froon's blue backpack, which she said she had found by a river ban. The bag of victim was found and no valuable belonging are missing so it isn't a robbery. The women's phones showed that just hours after the beginning of their hike, someone dialed 1-1-2 (the emergency number in the Netherlands) and 9-1-1 (the emergency number in Panama). Froon's Canon camera contained photos from 1 April suggesting that the women had taken a trail at the overlook of the Continental Divide and wandered into some wilderness hours before their first attempt to reach 112/911, but with no signs of anything unusual. On 8 April, ninety flash photos were taken between 01:00 and 04:00, apparently deep in the jungle and in near-complete darkness. A few photos show that they were possibly near a river or a ravine. Some show a twig with plastic bags on top of a rock; another shows what looks like a backpack strap and a mirror on another rock, and another shows the back of Kremers' head.

There are several gaffe about this death.

2. The death of Argentina girl

A military operation targeting a small insurgent group has led to accusations of a government cover-up in the deaths of two young girls from Argentina. The two developments have suddenly raised the stakes of a yearslong conflict between the Paraguayan government and the Paraguayan People’s Army, a tiny guerrilla movement that had gotten little traction in its bid to overthrow the state. The abduction of Óscar Denis Sánchez, the former vice president, occurred Wednesday about 20 miles from where government forces killed the two girls during the Sept. 2 raid on the camp of rebel fighters. The government has since revised its version of what happened numerous times in the face of growing criticism in Paraguay and Argentina.


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