

 Great news for everyone especially drama fans of mouse. It is announced today that lee seung gi and Lee da in are indeed dating. Just as usual, dispatch follow and trespass celebrities privacy and found out that they're having the time like original people, and probably dating. 

There is a rumor that this tips off comes from Lee seung gi ex agency though, after all the time is just so accidental. Lee seung gi who debuted in June 2004 and has been with Hook Entertainment for 17 years. On May 24, the agency announced that he would be leaving the agency to establish his own company. At the same time, this dating news arise. Both of actors agency confirm the dating news and said it's true. 
Following confirmation of their relationship earlier in the day, Dispatch revealed a report with photos of the couple in Gangwon Province in late fall of 2020. They were then seen visiting Lee Seung Gi’s grandmother in Sokcho. The love story of Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In blossomed because they both have a hobby of playing golf.

A Korean outlet news, Sports Kyunghyang, stated that many people in the industry are already aware of Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In's relationship. A source from Lee Da In’s agency 9Ato Entertainment revealed, “We have checked with actress Lee Da In herself, and she stated that they met as senior and junior [of the same industry] and have been carefully getting to know each other since five or six months ago. Please show them warm attention and support so that they can continue their relationship well.”

Before it was revealed that he was in a relationship with Lee Da In, Lee Seung Gi was known to have been close to a number of Korean actresses. Lee seunggi are closed with bae suzy, rumored to date with Jung so min and han hyo joo and officially date SNSD YoonA.

Happy for the new couple!


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