

Since the renewal of rule in South Korea regarding the fair treatment policy between idols and the agency, in average one idols often get 7 years length contract when they debut under an agency. To pay for all cost that the agency has spent in the trainee years, for 1 to 2 years since debut most idols didn't get anything, at least not that much, except for special case like produce series group. 

Actually being officially disbanded because the end of first contract agreement might be in the lucky side compare to many kpop groups who is disbanded due to the lack of profit/success. The first 2 years for Kpop group is so crucial to determine whether a group is the NEXT BIG THINGS or a MISS. Many Kpop group from smaller agency often need to struggle for 2 years before they got their deserved breakthrough. 

Let's talk about what happened to Kpop idols when their group is disbanded, based on several reason:

1. When a group disbanded due to lack of success/popularity

For the group who doesn't have popularity, most of the members decide to go back to their own reality and almost all of them are given up to pursue a career as an idols. Some of them who still denying their unsuccessful first attempt might try another shots, until they find a new breakthrough or their dream crashed with harsh reality, make them find a new ordinary job or even suicide. 


yes, it's not an arbitrary, some of the failed idols tends to do suicide. Ex-idol trainee 'A' from a famous agency attempts suicide in Busan, rescued in time by police is one of the example. Or Female Trainee, Shin Minah, Attempted Suicide After Being Bullied By Her Fellow Members.

Yet in some special case, a group success might not determine the member success. There is several idols who get more successful after their initial group is disbanded, for eg Z:ea or hello venus. Although their group might not be popular and thus can't hold their stand in the fierce battle of Kpop entertainment industry, but some of the members able to get success for another career change, as an actor/actress. Let's mention some names who their group isn't well known, yet the members are known and pretty successful as a soloist: Gugudan Sejeong, Z:EA Park Hyung sik, Siwan, hello venus Kwon nara and many more.

In another occasion, some of Kpop group who has been around for too long, more than 7 years might have experienced a popularity declining, thus make them longer and longer do a comeback and unofficially disbanded. In this case, some of the idols already have hold enough fortune and even become rich to maintain their life for some period of times. That's why many successful Kpop idols try to buy a building or house so they can get passive income and land owner.

2. When a group disbanded due to contract expiration

Most of the group who disbanded due to contract expiration might not have make a reunion comeback as the initial group. When each member is going separated with different agency, it's become difficult to set a comeback as their initial group. The members than begin their journey as a soloist, pursuing a solo singer or change their job to acting. Unfortunately it's hard to find success after the group is disbanded, some idols might have a smooth 2 years in the beginning, but their popularity often evaporated quickly. 

3. When a group disbanded due to internal fight

This one is rarely happening, yet it's still happened. For eg of this case is what happened to Secret (a girl group) and T-ARA. Or there is several case when a member is fighting with the agency is also can be included in here, eg JYJ and EXO. They will exist most of the time in the underground as not many support they can get. They will struggle to maintain their popularity yet still get a warm welcome to loyal fans and able to get some money / income. Although they might not be very popular, most of them still have their own life and have income as an entertainer. 

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