
what you need to know about the viral corona virus or covid 19

Hi everyone, I hope you're well. Here are several things you need to do to fight against the viral corono virus or covid 18 that made so many country locked down and takes several life across the globe.

First, it's a pretty new virus that we might get several information about the characteristic. But we don't care about it, what we care is how we defense ourselves and our families against the virus.

And here is the tips:
1. The virus will last long on a metal surface, thus, try to wash your hand as soon as possible with bacterial soap (detergent agent) and not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. On laundry or fabric base, the virus will live as long as 12 hours, any detergent can kill it.

2. Drinking warm water is efficient against viral virus like flu, it could also keep maintain your health. Try not to drink liquid ice.

3. Wash your hand often, before you eat or going out. The virus will long for 5-10 minutes, but for that duration, you might unconsciously pick your nose or rub your eyes. You should gargle for prevention, a simple salt with warm water will suffice.

4. Drink plenty water. it's healthy for your health, keep hydrating. If you have a fever over 38°c, take Paracetamol rather than Ibuprofen.

5. Rest lots. You should not be leaving your house!  Even if you are feeling better you may will still be infectious for fourteen days and older people and those with existing health conditions should be avoided!

6. You need stock several items for precaution in quarantine time (lock down): 
first, keep hard cash in a good amount, debit card or credit card is also good, but sometimes, ATM might not be available all the time. Not to forget, fill up your gasoline car tank till full.

Second, Buy multivitamin (vitamin c) to boost your immune system, stock some medicine like paracetamol and any liquid cough syrup. Stock some hand soap, tissues, antiseptic / alkohol 70% and 
honey. Pile up can food (with long enough expired date), powder milk, sauce, salt, sugar, rice or pasta)

Third,  Vick vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion, or eucalyptus oil.  If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if necessary. Maintain your daily medicine like diabetes or hypertension.

The symptoms:
1. it will attack the throat first, so you will have sore throat lasting to 3-4 days.
2. the virus than blend to nasal fluids and enters the trachea then lungs cause pneumonia. It will happen 5-6 days after.
3. with it, you will get high fever and difficult of breathing
4. The nasal congestion isn't like any normal kind when you get a flu, it feels like you're drowning.

Although, in some cases, it won;t give any symptoms. So how can we know if we get infected or not?
By the time they got caught or severe symptoms, the lung is usually 50% full of fibrosis and it's already too late to seek medical help. Expert help to give several tips to check whether you're in good condition or not.

Take a deep breath and hold on for more than 15 sec, if you can do it without coughing, discomfort or stiffness in the morning, you're fine. It shown there is no fibrosis in the lung, basically indicates no infection.

Drink often every 15 minutes, it will wash help to keep away with any virus, it will push the virus into your stomach and once there, your stomach acid will kill the virus. If you don't drink regularly, the virus can enter your wind pipe and into the lungs.

Keep yourself at home and social distancing with each other to stop the spread.

take care of yourself!

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