Who doesn't know about SKY University, which is listed as the best university in Korea among any other universities. Especially after a JTBC Hit drama, SKY Castle, taken place with the concept about prestigious privilege that own by SKY graduate. SKY is abbreviate from 3 top university in Korea: Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University. All this universities are indeed known as one of the most elite colleges with such a high level of competition, and become a dream campus for many South Korean students. Many even claims that being accepted into this university will grant you a successful career.
But who would have thought, there are also many celebrities who actually managed to enter and also become a graduate student for such prestigious university like SKY University. Some celebrities have also managed to prove that as popular and as famous as they are, education has indeed become one of the main points that are so important and their number one priority.
Then, who are they? Without further ado, let's check it out!
1. Kim Tae Hee
The actress, known for one of her popular dramas Yong Pal, entered SNU and became a student of the class of 1999 and successfully graduated in 2005. In addition, Kim Tae Hee is also known to be quite active in several organizations at SNU, such as being President for the Women's Ski Club. She is currently returning into small screen, with netflix drama, Hey Bye mama!
Not only beautiful, the actress who is also the wife of the legendary singer Rain was also known to be smart. Kim Tae Hee became one of a line of Korean celebrities who managed to become students at Seoul National University by majoring in fashion design.
2. Jung Ryeo Won
This Australian-born beautiful actress became one of the actresses who managed to enter Korea University by majoring in Journalism. Growing up in Australia, Jung Ryeo Won also had a chance to study at Australia's Griffith University majoring in international business before finally deciding to move to Korea University.
3. Lee Sang Yoon
Despite having delayed graduation for so long, Lee Sang Yoon was able to complete his education in 2013. His busy life in the entertainment world did not make him forget completing his other stratum education. . Lee Sang Yoon became one more row of celebrities who also managed to get into Seoul National University in a department that was quite astonishing, namely the physics department.
4. Han Jae Suk
Another top-tier senior actor in the Korean entertainment world who is also one of Yonsei University's celebrity graduates. Having started his career since 1994, the actor who was born on August 12, 1973 received his education at Yonsei University by majoring in sports education.
5. Kim Ah Joong
The actress who is known through the film 200 Pounds Beauty deserves to be dubbed as a smart actress who is always hungry for education. Not only did she excel as an actress, Kim Ah Joong also succeeded in completing her studies at Dongduk Women's University which was then continued by becoming a student at Korea University. Not stopping there, he continued on to the International Hotel Management Institute in Switzerland.
7. Shin Hyun Joon
This 50-year-old senior actor became one of Korea's top celebrities who made it into one of Yonsei University's students. The actor, who has played many roles in several drama titles and also Korean films such as popular drama Cain and Abel and many more, was one of Yonsei University's alumni majoring in sports, before starting his acting and modeling career in 1989.
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