

Can you believe that it has been 5 years from the last movie? By now, many kids who like and grown up singing “let it go”, not has turn into a teen. I wonder if that is the reason why Dinsey make frozen 2 concept/ theme suit to more mature audiences, with some dark elements and a song?
Frozen 2 has a 72% score on rotten tomatoes (which make frozen 2 worth to watch) and 7.5 average score on imdb.

Let’s talk about what you will got in the frozen 2:
1. Amazing cinematography, the visual is charming


2. Great song to listen in a whole movie
3.  Good amount of joke, thanks to olaf
4. Another transformation from our favorite frozen character, elsa.
5. Another princess crown as a queen

My favorite song from the movie are:
1. Show yourself
2. The next right things

Reason:  because the lyrics is more deep than “into the unknown”, and when this song plays in the movie, both our favorite characters, elsa and anna, is growing more mature with this song. Both of song are a crucial part of the movie, showing the progress of what is left on the first frozen movies. Not to forget that the instruments are awesome too, and the cinematography is a whole some of awesomeness.

Okay, let’s talk about the story:
Frozen 2 tells us about the “dark” history of arrendelle, explain us where/why elsa has her power, next chapter of anna and kristoff relationship  and good amount of olaf.

It start when Anna and Elsa were still a kid, and their parents were still alive. The parents told them about a story of a race in hidden / enchanted forest, who can use magic and live with the soul and elements. There is like a “bridge” as a symbol of piece between arrendelle and the enchanted forest people. It’s a gift from the grand parents of elsa and anna, the king of arrendelle. Because of something, there is a war, and now the forest is nowhere to be seen.

Back to the future, kristoff is planning to propose to Anna. while elsa is hearing a sound that she try not to listen. Yet, she believe that whoever call her with the sound has a good vibe and wasn’t evil. When elsa turn on the soul that has been asleep, people of arrendelle are casted away outside the city. They’re now losing the hometown and need to live on the cliff for moments until anna and elsa resolve the mystery. All of Our favorite characters, including Anna, elsa, kristoff, sven and olaf are going to enchanted forest to find answer and solve the problem.

Fast forward, Elsa and anna’s mother is actually people of enchanted forest, and that’s the reason why one of them has power, and one is not because the father is just a prince from arendelle. 

Then elsa needs to pass the dark sea and find “frozen island” to find the fifth elements and memories of the pass. She casted away anna, because it’s dangerous, and left alone.

In that place, elsa found her real self, and she is actually the fifth elements. She also later found out that her grandfather has made a mistake in the pass and that’s the cause of the war. The “bridge/dam” is actually a “trick” to ruin enchanted forest. Elsa is clear that she needs to destroy the bridge to save both enchanted forest and arrendelle, yet this means the city of arendelle might be destroyed from the flood. (If the dam is broken)

Elsa is moving too far away and let her become frozen, before she is completely frozen, she successfully send Anna a message through her magic. Because of this, olaf disappears, because elsa magic is weakened. Anna face instant darkness yet she choose to keep do the right things, that result a happy ending in the end. Anna is successfully destroy the dam with the help of golems, and save elsa once again.  After elsa got free, she move so fast to stop the flood before it hits arrendelle.

In the end, anna is crowned as queen because she has shown what’s the right things to do even it needs to sacrifice huge things. Elsa left and now live in the enchanted forest. Kristoff proposal went smooth and Anna accept it.

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