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When the officer tries to get closer to Eris, I come between them and block the officer's view of Eris.

"Come on respectful officer, it is not the first time to see someone injured badly because of a work incident? Since the living cost in this city is quite expensive, my friend is thinking of going back to the suburb for a while."

"Still, your friend should take off some of the bandages so I can see clearly of your friend's face." Order the officer.

"The thing is, the doctor advises to cover off for a while, and it's an honestly unpleasant view, with some open fleshes and rotten meat. I beg you to give us our leniency. For a change, I will give you something that might give you a promotion." I try to divert his interest.

"Huh!? What could it be?" The officer is taking my bait. I signal him to get closer and give me his ear.

"You must know all members of Stein's family, right? People might not know about this, but Jill who is one of the youngest sons died two days ago. Jack, his husband is trying to leave the city soon. I believe, any of Jill's brothers won't be happy if that happened and would give a reward for anyone who can inform about this sudden news and catch Jack." 

The officer looks a bit taken aback. He was a little suspicious of the veracity of this information, he doesn't want to anger any Steins family members if it turns into wrong information.

" Officer, you know our identity, I won't tell you a lie. Furthermore, you can check it first by visiting Jack&Jill auction shop, whether you can find Jill inside." Ensure me. When the officer is considering my advice, I hurry him a little.

"You don't want someone else to take the credit, Let us leave this passage now so you can check my information, please?" 

"Got it, I warn you if you dare to give a false rumor, I will find all of you and make you regret it." Said the officer. He let us pass the investigation room and left us in a hurry.

Finally, we're able to pass the Houzz exit gate, outside the city. At Clyde station, the three of us confer for a while. Officially, Rowan and I want to take a cart ride back to Cordville. Looking back on what happened in Houzz, Rowan plans to steal the headmaster's valuable suit. He doesn't leave out with so many options after all. Eris, surprisingly insist to go to district 31, she said that since she is already here in the Dallas district, she wants to check something in that area. People need to pass Cordville if they want to go to district 31. Again, I offer her our help, this one-sided decision makes Rowan a bit in a bad mood. Even though he's angry, Rowan still succumbs to my request. Since it's a bit risky to use a cart ride when we go around with Eris, we decide to go back to Cordville on foot. We predict that the journey will take us one whole day. Without further ado, the three of us started our journey back to cordville. Sometimes the terrain is quite heavy but Eris can keep up with our phase without difficulty. We agree to take a 20-minute rest after every 2 hours of walking. On the first stop, I tried to talk with Eris more. There are so many questions that I want to ask.

There is a good place to relax near the riverside, even if we can't refill our drinking bottles there as the water around is contaminated. It's hard to find clean water in this area, so we already bought enough food supply back when we're still inside Houzz.

"What do you plan to do in District 31?"

"..... nothing. You guys shouldn't know anything." Said Eris.

"She doesn't even trust us. At least be grateful that Ilios is trying to help you, girl." Said Rowan.

"I am grateful.... it is just... like what I've said." 

"Are you mind telling me how do you end up strolling around in Houzz, how you escape from Sylvester's?" Ask me again.

"Well, you won't believe me anyway if I said the truth." Said Eris.

"I believe you." These words that come out of my mouth surprised both Rowan and Eris. While Eris shows a positive reaction, Rowan, on the other hand, shows a bit of displeasure.

" Inside Houzz, there is a certain area where many rich-looking people with their unique fashion and tastes spend their money. I don't know where exactly it is, but I've been there. The place is lavish, very private, lots of alcoholic drinks and similar to any high-end brothel.... the difference is, the prostitutes they provide are women." Said Eris.

"How dare you say that lie again! Is it your job to fantasize about something like that? Even as imagination, your fantasy is just absurd. We, people from the Dallas district isn't attracted to female like you, who looks weak, without proper muscle and a stunning beard. We adore perfect muscular figure with a six-pack, strong muscular arms, and tight calves." Yell Rowan in disbelief.

"But I am also not like what you describe.... am I not attractive then?" Said me.

"You're completely different case, you have your charms! Trust me, you're very attractive." Reply to Rowan quickly. Yet I can somehow see that he blushed a little.

"Brush it aside, we don't like a woman." Said Rowan firmly. Hearing what he said, Eris can't stay still. 

" For your information, but we also have a woman who has a perfect muscular figure with a six-pack, strong muscular arms, and tight calves in Madrigal. I'm glad that with how strong your preferences are, at least you won't attack me in the sleep. But, don't assume that everyone will have a similar taste like you. If I can show you, you will be amazed how some man lusts over us woman." Said Eris

"For example, that man named Sylvester! He is a pretty tender man and romantic person, despite how harsh he treats his subordinates. He is somewhat saved me from that slave auction. After buying me, he never forced me to do what I don't want, he is treat me like his most valuable possession. He orders me to accompany him every day, during breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any of his spare time. He said to me that he want to have my heart, that we will do "it" when I willingly want it. Yet, he is so possessive about me, so I need to trick him to let me go. I lied that I will reciprocate his feelings and I convinced him to let me walk outside his residence, or I become depressed and lose my insanity, because too long of being locked inside. And when I finally get the chance out there, I don't waste it. Sylvester orders some of his men to tag along, become my guardian and overlooker. They assume I am just a weak girl, so I successfully escape when they're careless." Continue Eris.

"That's only based on what you said. We can't prove whether it's happened or not. Based on my experience of living more than 17 years, I have never seen any men including myself are attracted to a woman before. I'm also aware that many men are interested in me. Also, the central government said that it is something that shouldn't exist. It's Elyphian curse to make mortan lose their insanity." Counter Rowan.

"As the central government said........ I think you're someone who has your views regarding your life. Okay, let's do it this way. I believe I can seduce your friend, after all, he has been watching me all this time with such curious eyes." Said Eris, while getting closer to me and spreading her hand close to mine. She grabbed my left hand and with her other hand, she caresses my cheek gently. Her doe eyes are looking straight into my eyes. My cheeks are blushing, I almost can't handle my embarrassment anymore.

"Enough! It's already past 20 minutes. We should get going now or we won't ever get to Cordville tonight. it is very meaningless to continue this useless debate." Said me. I rushed them to continue our journey. 

"What are you both doing? Let us go now!"

 Read chapter 4 here

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