

Do you know that despite their beautiful appearance and full of talents, some of the idols have experienced life threatening circumstances and yet they survived and successfully achieve their dreams in the future and looking forward to their next achievement. 



“When I was young, I suffered from a cancer called lymphoma. Even the hospital told us to give up."

Her parents aren't rich and the hospital bill is not small to cover Yena treatment, thus make them do anything to cover the cost. Yena's parent sell kimbab early morning to afford additional income, their struggle and wishing for the best, create a miracle that even doctor didn't think of. Now, Yena is very healthy and able to fulfill her dream by debuting as Izone and get enough income to give back to her parents. 


On January 24, Yeji streamed live for fans on VLive and revealed she'd once went through a severe sickness as a child. The ITZY member shared that she was 8 years old when she caught a flu that could've been deadly. Medication did not improve her symptoms, so after seeing her daughter's worsening condition, her mom took her to a hospital in Jeonju. As Yeji was so unwell, she slept through most of the ordeal. When she woke up in the hospital, she noticed her mom had been crying. But when she asked what was wrong, her mom dismissed it and told her not to worry.

The next thing she knew, Yeji awoke to her mom crying by her hospital bed. With the help of her grandfather, Yeji was taken to a bigger hospital in Seoul, where she was diagnosed with atopy (skin allergy), pneumonia (infection involving fluid in lungs), and osteomyelitis (bone infection), a rare but serious condition. Though surgery was on the table, Yeji ended up recovering through medication and a minor procedure with doctors removing fluid buildup.

Fortunately, Yeji recover and now healthy. Now what she need to face is the hate comments that comes to her group. The idol spoke about how she’s been known by the public for a long time. While she’s grateful toward people who think of her as someone who’s worked hard and been through a hard time, there are others who mock her by saying, “There must be a reason why.”

She went on to say that a required part of the job of being an idol is maintaining your looks. She continued, “Rather than it being about ‘Idols have to be thin,’ it’s that being on the thinner side makes the dancing better to look at and you can wear a broader spectrum of costumes. Those are the kinds of reasons why we stay thin. Losing weight isn’t so much focused on, ‘I have to be thin because being thin is prettier.'”


When he was younger, the Block B star had serious heart complications that required surgery. Throughout his childhood, he survived cardiac surgeries, a hernia, and breathing problems. Zico’s mother sadly shared that he spent most of his time as a baby in the emergency room of a hospital, revealing she prayed for his safe recovery the night before his operations. There is no wonder that he has a scar on his body near his heart area, as fans already saw when zico got shirtless. 

After it was announced that Zico will be enlisting as a public service officer rather than an active-duty soldier, the public learned that he’d undergone two heart surgeries in the past. In a heartfelt article, Zico’s mother once revealed that he was born with a weak heart, asthma, and bronchiolitis (a common childhood lung infection). 

4. Shin Dong Wook
Actor Shin Dong Wook, who was diagnosed with a chronic illness called CRPS. CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) is an illness that is only suffered by one among sixty people. November last year, Shin Dong Wook came back as an SF novelist and answered a lot of questions regarding his career in the entertainment industry. It has been reported that Shin Dong Wook is going to make a comeback in MBC’s upcoming drama ‘Lookout’. Shin Dong Wook received public’s full support after 7 years hiatus from the drama screen. His latest drama was SBS ‘Pick Up the Stars’.

When Eunha was seven years old, she was diagnosed with a rare condition called Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), which occurs when too many white blood cells accumulate in the body. The condition can cause numerous symptoms, including painful bone swelling, skin problems, hormone deficiencies, and more. She then took on treatment for the disease and had regular blood tests until she was in the sixth grade of primary school. It was successfully cured and it was said that there is no possibility of recurrence

On September 12, Super Junior members Siwon, Leeteuk, Shindong, and Eunhyuk guest appeared on MBC “Radio Star” and talked about their 2007 car accident.

Siwon first said, “Kyuhyun almost died from the crash. The doctor said we had very little hope. We were too young to understand death at that age, but it gave us new perspective.”

Leeteuk continued, “We were in our van after finishing our radio show. But on the Olympic Highway, our van tilted to the side several times and then it just flipped over. I grabbed the chair but because of the car’s speed, I crashed the side of my face on the window and just passed out right away.”

He almost not able to sing again as doctor said, but there is a miracle and he is still singing like angel now.

Hyolyn was born premature, and as a baby, she suffered from a serious form of biliary atresia. The live condition occurs when the bile ducts are blocked, causing jaundice, malnutrition, and eventually complications like liver failure. To treat the disorder, Hyolyn had to undergo several abdominal surgeries. She also suffered intussusception (folded intestines), and eventually had to have her gall bladder removed. The surgery left a mark, thus since she isn't confidence enough she cover it with tattoo. Hyolyn eventually made a full recovery. 

Girl’s Day Hyeri was recently rushed to the emergency room due to an incredibly high fever and severe headache.And while fans became worried for the Dream Tea Entertainment singer. A doctor there has diagnosed her with meningitis, which is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord. Hyeri will remain hospitalized for the next few days, the agency said.

Her representatives recently revealed that she is now in stable condition and is currently recovering. After hearing the relieving news, netizens continued to show their support for the singer, wishing her a quick recovery and lots of rest.

9. Seo in guk
Actor Seo In Guk, who had to be taken home after undergoing only 4 days of military service training in March. His agency said, “The reason is written as ‘left ankle injury’. There is still no definite schedule for the rest of his military service, because he has to receive further examination.”

The actor suffers from osteochondral lesion, a bone disease that causes the joints to be separated due to shock. Seo In Guk’s agency said that the actor is determined to continue his military service after receiving re-evaluation. Fans are worried about Seo In Guk because of this sudden news of his illness.

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