

There is unfortunate event happened once again in Kpop entertainment industry. During a live broadcast of EBS popular program "Live! Tok!Tok! BoniHani", Busters’s Chaeyeon appeared to be hit by a fellow cast member, who is a comedian. She also verbally harassed by another male staff behind the scene. A new video has surfaced from bonihani set of men rudely insulting chaeyeon. ark Dong Geun is heard calling Chaeyeon things such as a “Listerine sterilized b***h,” and when she appears to not hear him properly or understand at first, he shortens it to a phrase meaning “venomous b***h.” The phrase about Listerine has been described as something that is commonly used at adult entertainment establishments, referencing sex workers who use mouthwash to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Keep in mind, Chaeyeon is only 15 years old and still a minor.

Some notes: "sterilizing mouth with listerine" is basically slang implying shes sucked a lot of dick / calling her slutty.

Seeing the short video that shared around internet, people begin to trend #respectchaeyeon to give awareness and complain about the unpleasant situation. In regards to the comments that many are describing as verbal sexual harassment of a minor, EBS stated, “There was always Listerine in the waiting room, and Chaeyeon would always gargle with Listerine before a show.” They added, “During the live broadcast, he was joking with Chaeyeon and said it to tease her, but both the producer and Park Dong Geun himself did not know that it was a problematic expression.” The network apologized for the use of the expression without knowledge of the meaning, saying both the producers and Park Dong Geun were surprised.

With the current blacklash, Chaeyeon's agency tried to give explanation as follow:
This is in regards to the problematic live video of “Tok! Tok! Boni Hani.”
After checking with Chaeyeon, she confirmed, “It was a joke. There was a misunderstanding because the whole situation wasn’t shown. As stated in the statement released by “Tok! Tok! Boni Hani,” Chaeyeon appeared on the program for a long time, and the incident occurred because she was close to the cast. The joke crossed the line. However, the agency recognizes the severity of the actions (threatening behavior, etc.) and received a promise from the program that this will never happen again.

Although many is still not buying the lie that is uttered by her agency and keep asking for "justice or punishment" to the male coworkers. Thankfully, EBS, the broadcast company higher official took counter measure and do the right things. Although EBS has denied that there had been any violence between cast members of the show, describing the scene as the cast joking together. Because of netizen uproar and anger toward the case, asking for Choi Young Soo and Park Dong Geun’s departure from the show continued online, and EBS has now issued the following statement:

We sincerely apologize to the viewers who always love EBS.

Recently, the the YouTube broadcast of EBS’s popular program ‘Tok! Tok! Boni Hani’ included a scene of violence and a scene of verbal sexual harassment which were broadcast without editing. They have caused much discomfort and hurt to our viewers, who are mainly young students. EBS accepts how serious the situation is, and we strongly feel responsibility.

As soon as EBS became aware of the incidents, we held an emergency planning meeting and we established our next steps as a company and determined how we will carry them out. Firstly, we are immediately suspending the two cast members involved in the issue [Choi Young Soo, Park Dong Geun], and we have deleted the YouTube video.

Rather than this incident being a personal issue between cast members, it is first the great responsibility of EBS’s management. EBS is also very shocked and feels greatly responsible after this incident, which should never have happened, occurred. After this incident, we will be re-examining our entire process for choosing the cast members of our programs. We take full responsibility for our program staff, and we plan to strictly implement disciplinary steps and follow-up measures. Most importantly, we will be thoroughly looking into the cause of the incident so that it does not happen again, and we will realign our production system and whole process of production, taking on strict rexamination and development.

So that this kind of incident does not occur again, EBS will be stricter and more careful while producing programs. We once again bow our heads in apology to the viewers who trusted EBS. 

On December 12, a source from EBS stated, “Starting today, EBS’s ‘Tok! Tok! Boni Hani’ will come to a halt. We have an animation replacing the show’s slot this week, and we are discussing the future scheduling plans.”

On the morning of the same day, EBS’s CEO Kim Myung Joong held an emergency meeting with the broadcasting station’s high-ranking officials and discussed why the incident happened, how it can be prevented in the future, and the disciplinary action that will be taken.

The general manager and the head of EBS’s department of children, who are in charge of the show’s production, were removed from their positions, and the show’s entire production crew was replaced. The CEO instructed the officials to forward those related to the program to the disciplinary committee and come up with foolproof methods to prevent such incidents from reoccurring. An “emergency team for system inspection and the establishment of comprehensive measures” was formed and led by EBS’s vice-president.

CEO Kim Myung Joong stated, “The recent incident is something that absolutely cannot happen and defeats the purpose of EBS’s name. We will carefully inspect the production system in its entirety to resolve the issue and prevent it from reoccurring. We deeply apologize to the cast member who was hurt by this incident.”


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