

People are urge to become the first person to listen or watch the latest MV Comeback from their lovely Kpop group, it such a shame situation whether the agency can't keep the secrecy of their talents come back, due to some gaps from the distributor or staff behind the scene. Yet it's happened and when it released around the internet, it can't be undone. So which Kpop group has experienced this kind of leak from their comeback? Check it out girls and guys!
1. Snsd catch me if you can  (WITH 9 MEMBERS, officially it's only 8 members)
The legendary MV in the brink of broken bonds between one single member and the other members in the legendary Kpop group, SNSD/ Girls generation. What made this "Leaked" iconic? Well, first it's a japanese come back so it's hard to know who is the one responsible for this, and even there is some rumor that SM is actually behind it. It's leaked after ANOTHER VERSION of catch me if you can released before. The official version of SNSD Catch me if you can consist of only 8 members due to Jessica disbandment from the group. 

There is some drama from each side, telling their version of "truth". From Jessica's point of view, she told the fans that she is kicked from the group out of the blue and get mistreatment although she has been with the agency for 7 years. From the agency/ sm entertainment point of view, they said that Jessica has used "SNSD BRAND NAME" for her own profit (eyeglasses brand) and can't commit to her own contract/condition. Insider said that Jessica supposedly asking her retirement from SNSD herself, thinking to pursue another career as fashion designer and create an empire with her boyfriend taylor kwon. SM has accepted Jessica's wish and created a good "farewell story" to make the fans still enjoying the 9 girls bonds.  SM has released another preparation, several song with the theme of "goodbye" and "unbreakable", releasing the rumor of one girl group member will left the group due to education or health issue or family issue, just as always.  Yet, Jessica and Taylor changed their mind and think that being in SNSD is more profitable than out of the group. SM and the other SNSD members didn't accept Jessica's selfish desire and refuse her return to the group, made her out of the group permanently with force and "DRAMA".  Who is in the wrong? Well, neither. I mean it's reasonable that Jessica who is already almost 30 to think another career change that is more long term than to be an idol. She is smart. Yet, it's not the members fault also, because they might feel hurt and betrayed by Jessica's selfishness. 

The proof of the story come from this MV, where Jessica supposedly still be one of SNSD member and release her own graduation/departure from the group in their TOKYO DOME concert. Too bad, it didn't go that smooth and 8 members of SNSD need to re-take their MV without Jessica.

Check it out!


2. Exo's comeback is leaked
For this boy group, EXO, the leaked song isn't only happened once, but more than twice. Even being as the top /biggest agency in Kpop entertainment, SM entertainment should really try to monitor their own staff/distributor. A lot of Sm entertainment artist has experienced leaked song. Whether it's the actual song or a demo is another story but there's almost always a leak. Whether it's the actual song or a demo is another story but there's almost always a leak.

3. Super M jopping is leaked
SuperM - Jopping is leaked.. Apparently the song got leaked and the fans said it sounded like noise. The avenger group of KPOP, Super M, the ambitious project from SM entertainment can't avoid this disadvantage and get their first ever debut song leaked around the internet. Yet, they still make a break through in the US.

4. BTS new comeback song is leaked.
BTS and Halsey will have their first collaboration in the song "Boy With Luv". However, on 9 April, "Boy With Luv" suddenly got leaked across social networking sites. Many fans spreaded a video from an account on YouTube, recording the scene of the car stereo playing a piece of music. Until now, the cause of song leaking has not yet been confirmed. With the current situation, the global A.R.M.Y community is calling for reports all the accounts that leaked the album or re-posted the song. Fans also tell each other not to listen to unofficial releases in order to respect BTS's effort and dedication in this album. But everything that is released on the internet, especially from the popular group won't be undone, so a lot of people might have listened to the leaked before the official release. Nevertheless, BTS's new comeback score still scored high in music chart and get PAK (PERFECT ALL KILL) regardless the situation.

This is not the first time BTS experience something like this, get their own album leaked before the official date. In 2018, BTS's Japanese album "Face Yourself" was recorded by a Japanese fan and spreaded all over the places few hours before the official release. The ablum "Love Yourself: Her" (2017) experienced the same situation because an Arab digital music site made a mistake about album releasing time.

Looking at the list above, You might think that all the leaked happened to the most popular artist that time!

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