

Have you ever get email like this from google? Let's talk about this violation of invalid traffic and how to fix the issues

We recently identified invalid traffic concerns in your AdSense account. As a result, we have introduced an ad serving limit on your account. We will automatically review and update this limit as we continue to monitor your traffic.

Why has this happened?
We found potentially invalid traffic being used to generate ad revenue on your account. As a reminder, invalid traffic is strictly prohibited by the AdSense Programme policies. Clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest. Publishers may not ask others to click their ads. This includes asking users to support your site, offering rewards to users for viewing ads and promising to raise money for third parties for such behaviour. Additionally, clicking your own ads, automated clicking tools or traffic sources, robots or other deceptive software are also prohibited.
We understand that you may want to know more about the activity we’ve detected. Because this information could be used to circumvent our proprietary detection systems, we’re unable to provide our publishers with information about specific account activity, including users that may have been involved.

Note that if you are found to be in violation of the AdSense Programme policies, your account may be subject to further enforcement actions or may be permanently disabled.

"limited or no ads" is such a vague term, it could mean completely no ads or well, having some ads, but having not all of the available ads. This happened because Google robot has detected some fraudulent behavior on your traffic website, that either you click the ads on your blog yourself, ask other to click your site or some bad person thrown click bomb into your site. If your site has a copyright claim against it, you would no longer be able to gain revenue from it and all ad revenue of the article would go to the copyright claimant.


If you ever found on Limited or No Ads" BS, you won't get click anymore and your ads revenue would go down the hill. There is the threshold you need to reach in order for your site to even be in google"manual review queue, probably around 1000-10000 page views per day or more. If your site doesn't have that much of page views or organic views, that it will take forever until you site to be reviewed by google. You are suggested to monitor your analytic statistic of your site, avoiding the same issues arise again in the future. Temporary Ad Serving Limit has also happened due the new policy being updated. You must comply with the AdSense Program policies otherwise the further enforcement action will be taken. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with the AdSense Program policies.

There surely a lot of publisher who prefer to choose another alternative from google adsense and it's perfectly fine. I mean no one can guarantee how long this ads serving limits will continue and if you're someone who get paycheck monthly, you might not want to miss or wait too long. 

How to fix this temporary ads serving limits from Google adsense? What you can only do is to increase your page view to show how valuable your site is for google. Minimum of 1000 pageviews in a day is possible. You can improve your traffic quality by creating good contents. Traffic to your blog/website from any unrelated content of social media is unnecessary. 

Another tips to resolve this ads limit issues is by removing your url site from your Google adsense. After removing, take several days and hopefully the issues will be fixed in time. You can go to account settings and click on policy center. So click on the account tab and then click on Policy center. If there is this statement: "No issues found", your site is great to go. Just remove your site from Google AdSense and wait for some days. I think for some people this might take even more than a week to fully fix any policy violation. After you have fixed site's issue, please don't directly add your site again to your Google AdSense account. Make some changes to your site. Post regularly on your site and make sure that your visitors are getting some values from your site. Once you are gaining a lot of visitors, add your site again in your AdSense account for approval.

I also have experienced this kind of issues.

For my experience there are 2 methods/ways to fix the google adsense ads serving limits:
1. By deleting the site from adsense, keep updating the site with new articles and content to gain more views and then after some days, try to request the same site to have a new google adsense again. The notification about the ads serving will be erased. This process will take about 1 month in the less.
2. By keeping the code of google adsense alive, choosing the auto ads code. Then not to forget, adding google analytic into your site and keep making a new content by releasing new post/article everyday. When you have steady page view get increase day by day, the issues will be solved in 1 month. The ads will suddenly appear again on your site/blog.

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