WHY X1 is disbanded?
Is CJ the only one at fault of X1 disbandment? X1, who supposedly have 5 years long ass contract, will be disbanded prior to 5 months after debut, without any comeback song. Although their achievement is HUGE in this short time. X1 already sold 500.000 albums to date, befitting their tittle as "ROOKIES MONSTER" in kpop industry. After the vote rigged scandal of MNET PRODUCE 101, Mnet will stop all the competition show in 2020 and focus to enhance more for music program. If everything went smooth, izone will make their comeback in late January and details of X1 album should have been released this January, following their comeback in mid February. CJ ENM happily announced that representative agencies of IZONE are positively engaging in discussions about resuming IZ*ONE schedule. But it isn't the case for X1, because on 6 January 2020, CJ enm decide to disband X1. So why is it?

For young fans who might want to know the reason, Here is the reason why on business perspective:
All 12 izone members have signed a contract with CJ ENM after 6 months. Just like any produce 101 group, like ioi and wanna one, they will promote and debut without a contract up to 6 months. In the first 6 months, any members wouldn't get any profit yet. All the profit will be use to pay all the group expanses (buying song, choreography, food, stage outfit, make up artist, staffs, body guards, manager, flight ticket, fuel, etc) and Produce 101 expanses. So, X1 member hasn't signed any contract yet with CJ. Izone will have 2.5 years while X1 supposedly have 5 years. When the length of contract was revealed, many agency give objection about this, yet can't do anything because they've sent their trainee to produce 101 and sign a contract regarding the show. Ironically, many trainee who participate on produce 101 didn't know the "final contract" of the winner of produce until it reached the final stage. What they know is they will debut in a temporary group under CJ ENM.
So X1 members who hasn't signed any contract with CJ is free to go, especially if their agency denied the participation after the scandal. CJ admit their wrong doings, so it isn't CJ part to force the agency to sign the contract for X1 continuation, After all, CJ is the one at fault. In this time, the big company like CJ, finally give in to what smaller agency's wish (X1 members agency). So, why X1 agency didn't want X1 continuation? Do they not want MONEY? They do, that's why they prefer X1 to disband.
CJ ENM and Swing want x1 to continue. (Based on the staff post, media interview, etc) Yet, X1 agency didn’t. Because the contract length is too long, 5 years. Why the agency didn’t want although x1 is profitable, arguably more than izone? Because if x1 succeed, swing entertainment is the one who will get the MOST benefit. Just like big hit known because of bts or Rbw with mamamoo. If x1 succeed, swing will get all the reputation, not MBK, Top media or others. If an entertainment agency (who supposedly debut IDOLS GROUP) get more reputation after successfully manage a group, they will get more investor. In the end, the agency will become bigger. If X1 success, the members will get benefit, as long as Swing and CJ enm, while the agency only get small percentage of the profit.
So we got this:
Play M Director Choi SungPil
Yuehua Director Park MooSeong
Top Media CEO Lee JaeHong
OUI CEO Wi MyeongHee
MBK CEO Kim KwangSoo
Woollim CEO Lee JoongYeob
DSP Director Kang JongWan
BNM CEO Rhymer
4/9 don’t want to continue (My guess: MBK, Top Media, BNM, Play M)
BUT if mbk or top media promote “their own group” themselves, using X1 members to form a group/duo and succeed, they will get all the credits (PROFITS). Who cares about The trainee future (x1 member long stable career), they’re just a tool for the agency to use. In the end it’s about business. It's time for the agency to experiment and create their own group. The agency only care about themselves and not X1 (or the fans). They need their company to grow bigger. They need a successful group under them, not like X1 who belong to other agency (Swing/ CJ enm)
Keep in mind that before joining produce x 101, Kim Woo Seok (Wooshin) and Lee Jin Hyuk (Wei) are appearing on "Produce X 101" to gain more interest for UP10TION. It's the same case with VICTON members. Choi Byung Chan and leader Han Seung Woo are competing on produce x 101 for the same reason. Produce is a temporary group, but with the 5 long years contract, how is it a temporary group? (Most Kpop group usually have 7 years contract after JYJ case)
And for members point of view: ( since there is a rumor article/blind item of x1 disbandment since november 2019: )here source reddit
Summary: there are agencies who wish x1 to disband and also the insider said there is different opinion between x1 member, whether some wish to continue and other is not. There is x1 member who kept contact closely with his agency and not swing.
Why the rumor matters? Because it’s proven, the disbandment is proven 2 months after, and when people never thought x1 would disbanded because of produce scandal.
So why some members choose to disband?
Well, is it really “crazy” if someone wish to come back to their original group, friends who they’ve known for years, longer than your new found friends? Is it wrong? Nope.
IZONE is a project between Korea and Japan. With AKS management involvement in CJES entertainment, many agency from izone members are obedience with the term/contract, because they got opportunity to have "special pass" in Japan entertainment. IZONE has created a lot of record in Japan, as the first KPOP group to appear in many Japanese show on national tv despite the dispute between Korea and Japan (Thanks to AKS influence). Japanese promotion tends to generate money, so no KPOP agency will refuse it. And the contract of izone is pretty short, it's only 1 year left and counting, so why bother to disband izone now. Especially when izone already have comeback preparation ready.
So what do you think?
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